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作者 陳安迪
傳統上關於北宋陣圖問題的討論,往往沿襲上個世紀吳晗先生在《陣圖與宋遼戰爭》一文中的觀點,將之視為宋代統治者懲五代之亂而行的將從中御的手段,並認為這種御將方式是造成宋代積弱的重要原因之一。然而詳考史實,並將陣圖之本意納入考察後可以發現,北宋陣圖問題在不同時間段的內涵並不相同,前期之御賜陣圖確有控馭武將之效,然而君主的動機卻未必是為了防範武將,後期對陣圖的講求則屬對於軍事技術的探討,其興起的原因與當時的軍事形勢以及文武關係有關。脫離將從中御等祖宗之法的觀念考察這一問題,或有助於得出更接近事實的結論。 Traditional discussions on Northern Song dynasty battle formation diagrams have invariably focused on the political sphere. Several emperors of the Northern Song delivered orders to their generals in the form of battle formation diagrams, which may have carried negative effects as generals would not have been in full command of military affairs in the field. Therefore, battle formation diagrams provided by rulers are considered as a method of political control which could preclude generals in frontier regions from rebelling instead of conducting appropriate military action. However, the connotation of battle formation diagrams varied over time. During the early period of the Northern Song, these diagrams were a method of political control, but under the reigns of Renzong 仁宗 and Shenzong神宗, they may simply be viewed as a type of military technology, the origin of which is associated with the relationship between the civil and military spheres, or wenwu 文武, as well as the military circumstances and prevalence of divination at the time.
起訖頁 95-131
關鍵詞 陣圖御將廟算文武術數battle formation diagramspolitical controlmilitary deploymentwenwu文武divination
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201906 (37:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 從鄭玄《三禮注》論「推致」之法
該期刊-下一篇 大河南徙與拒河北流――金代治河決策所涉諸問題考述




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