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作者 程東奕陳圳卿鄭孟淙
本研究主要探討在不同空間關係中人對於不同擬人程度之機器人的感知。研究藉由問卷調查法,讓受測者在模擬感受與機器人互動的情境後,針對不同擬人程度之機器人頭部圖片進行評估,以了解其與機器人在不同空間中角色關係的主觀感知程度。研究結果顯示在不同空間關係中人對不同擬人程度之機器人的感知有所差異。在「親密空間關係」、「個人空間關係」與「社交空間關係」中,人們對於機器人擬人程度的適切度感受偏向於擬人程度高的機器人,同時亦具有較低的警戒感、較高的掌控感與較高的愉悅感。而在「公共空間關係」中,則對於擬人程度低的機器人的適切度感受較佳,並且具有較低的警戒感、較高的掌控感與較高的愉悅感。在「親密空間關係」、「個人空間關係」與「社交空間關係」中進行機器人外形設計時,應以擬人程度與真人相似的機器人為設計方向;而在「公共空間關係」中進行機器人外形設計時,低擬人程度的外形設計或許是更適合的選擇。 This study ascertains people's perception of robots with different degrees of anthropomorphic design in different spatial relationships. A questionnaire survey is conducted on subjects that simulate interactions with robots, and evaluate images of the head of robots with different degrees of anthropomorphic design, learning about their perception of the relationship with robots in different spaces. Research results show differences in the perception of robots with different degrees of anthropomorphic design in different spatial relationships. Subjects felt that higher degree of anthropomorphic design was more appropriate for robots in intimate space, personal space, and social space, and it resulted in higher pleasure, lower alertness, and higher dominance. In public space, subjects felt that lower degree of anthropomorphic design was more appropriate for robots, and it resulted in higher pleasure, lower alertness, and higher dominance. Results show that the appearance of robots should have a similar design to humans in intimate space, personal space and social space. And a design less similar to humans maybe a more suitable option in public space.
起訖頁 25-47
關鍵詞 空間關係擬人化設計恐怖谷ProxemicsAnthropomorphic DesignUncanny Valley
刊名 設計學報  
期數 201906 (24:2期)
出版單位 中華民國設計學會
該期刊-上一篇 以符號學觀點探討現成物設計的思考邏輯
該期刊-下一篇 產品造形屬性對視覺複雜度與消費者偏好之影響




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