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作者 陳清惠 (Ching-Hui Chen)高淑真胡夢鯨 (Meng-Ching Hu)
高齡人口罹患失智症已快速攀升,樂齡學習已是高齡者適應老年階段的重要途徑,如何應用教學策略來落實課程目標是樂齡學習教師需具備的關鍵能力。本研究以焦點團體訪談法探討預防失智症之樂齡健康促進課程規劃和運ARCS動機模式來激勵學員學習動機及學習成效。研究結果為:(一)課程規劃需激發學員學習動機;(二)課程內容需與生活世界連結並具備實用性;(三)課程教學策略需建立學員信心為原則;(四)學習成效需學員感到自我滿意。研究結果可提供未來樂齡健康促進課程規劃與實施之參考。 Because the elderly population with dementia has rapidly climbing, elderly learning is an important way for elderly to adapt to the old stage. How to apply the teaching strategy to implement the program objectives which is the core competencies that elderly teachers need to have. In this study, the focusing group interviewing is used to investigate the elderly health promotion program prevention of dementia, and the ARCS motivation model is used to motivate participants' motivation and learning outcomes. The results of the study are as follows: (1) The programs planning need to facilitate learning motivation of students; (2) The content of the programs need to link the Life-World and be practicality; (3) The teaching strategy of programs need to establish the principle of student's confidence; (4) The learning effect requires the students who feel satisfied by them self. The results of the study provide a reference for the planning and implementation of future elderly health promotion programs.
起訖頁 61-75
關鍵詞 樂齡健康促進失智症ARcS 動機模式學習成效elderly health promotion programdementiaARCS motivation modellearning effect
刊名 長庚科技學刊  
期數 201906 (30期)
出版單位 長庚科技大學
該期刊-上一篇 重新定義大學手術全期護理教育——以「手術室護理暨實作」課程為例
該期刊-下一篇 含雙苯乙炔基之側鏈液晶聚環氧丙烷之合成與鑑定




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