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作者 吳欣席 (Hsin-Hsi Wu)
本次醫療法82條修正案於107年初正式公告施行,這對於醫界來說是一件歷經18年多才完成的艱辛工作,而且新法條不但將醫事人員的民刑事責任的判定增加許多必要條件,同時也將醫療機構的民事責任予以單獨列出。這許多的改變都需要我們密切觀察後續的影響,不管是在後續的相關法案的立法還有司法的判決狀況,都是至關緊要的部分。希望能夠透過此次修法,開啟台灣醫病互信的新起點,除減少醫療糾紛外,讓防禦性醫療和司法資源的耗用都能夠減少,並且讓醫師能夠安心的照顧病人,消除急重症醫療缺少醫事人員的現象。更期盼能夠跟隨著進步的修法腳步,來提升台灣的醫療品質與民眾滿意度。 The amendment of Medical Care Act was implemented at the beginning of 2018. It had been an hard work of the medical community for 18 years before its implementation, and the new law not only adds many necessary conditions for the determination of the criminal responsibility of medical personnel but also asserts clearly the civil liability of medical institutions. Many of these changes remind us to closely observe the impact of the follow-up, whether it is in the subsequent legislation of the relevant bills, as well as the outcome of criminal or civil cases thereafter, which is a crucial part. It is hoped that through this amendment, a new era of mutual trust between doctors and patients in Taiwan will be started. In addition to reducing medical dispute cases, the waste of time and money due to defensive medicine and lawsuit can also be reduced, doctors can focus on providing healthcare, and medical personnel shortage of emergent and critical care can be eliminated. Finally, it would be expected that medical quality of care and satisfaction of the populace in Taiwan will be further improved by the amendment of the Act.
起訖頁 453-459
關鍵詞 醫療法82條醫療糾紛防禦性醫療臨床裁量權醫療常規Medical Care Act Article 82medical disputesdefensive medicinemedical discretionmedical custom
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 201907 (23:4期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 槍枝膛炸導致之眼球穿刺傷合併眼球內異物
該期刊-下一篇 醫療法第82條修法之法務部觀點




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