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Characteristics of the Growth and Flowering of Tissue Culture Seedlings of Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides Baker
作者 張正
豔紅鹿子百合為具觀賞價值的臺灣野生物種,本文記錄豔紅鹿子百合組織培養苗在栽培環境中營養生長及開花習性。組織培養苗移植出瓶當年十一月到次年三月間形成6.8片鱗片葉。短縮莖則在次年三月間抽長,到九月時長度達201公分,莖上葉片數介於33-40片間,花芽在五月底起露蕾,八月時每株11.5個花蕾,花朵在八月底到十一月間開放,平均每株8.3朵,27%的花苞消蕾。豔紅鹿子百合自交結實率為93%,蒴果發育需80-99天,種子41.7粒/果。與東方型百合雜交可著果結子,與鐵砲型百合及LA百合雜交具障礙。組織培養苗在移植出瓶當年九到十二月間鱗莖下根數增為3-5條,次年一到三月間鱗莖下根數增加到6-12條。三月起生成23-50條莖上根。豔紅鹿子百合的鱗莖母球發育期在二到三月,主要由鱗片葉提供發育所需之營養,而莖上葉則累積養分提供母球內子球發育。 Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides Baker is a rare species in Taiwan, bearing showy flowers as a high-value ornamental. The work recorded the data of vegetative growth and flowering habit of the species in greenhouse. The seedlings derived from tissue culture differentiated into 6.8 scale-leaves/plant since last November, then the compressed shoot sprouted in March and shoot emergence to 201 cm in September with 33-40 stem-leaves/plant. The visual floral buds formed in May, then 11.5 floral-bud/plant in August. The flower began blooming from August to November, and there are 8.3 bloomed flowers of one plant, with 27% floral buds abortion. 93% fruit set of self-pollination became mature within 80-99 days with 41.7 seeds per fruit. This species crossed with Oriental hybrids lily would set fruit and seeds, while crossed with Longiflorum lilies and LA hybrids lilies would cause obstacle in fruit set. From last September to December, there were 3-5 basal-roots/plant formed. During the period from January to March, there were 6-12 basal-roots/plant. In March, there were 23-50 stem-roots/plant formed. The weight of bulb was increased speedy during the period, 260% from February to March and 232% from May to June. The two periods were the scale-leaf and the shoot emergence stages compared with the growth in the shoots; compared with the bulb growth, the two speedy growth periods were caused by the growth of the mother bulb and daughter bulb.
起訖頁 189-198
關鍵詞 豔紅鹿子百合開花習性營養生長鱗莖Lilium speciosum Thunb. var. gloriosoides Bakerfloweringgrowthbulb
刊名 中國園藝  
期數 200506 (51:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 應用ISSR標誌評估沙漠玫瑰品種之遺傳變異
該期刊-下一篇 幼稚園教室綠化對學童注意力之影響




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