中文摘要 |
以21個圓筒絲瓜(Luffa aegyptiaca Mill.,syn. L. cylindrica Roem)品系進行果肉均質或均質離心處理,並與果肉加熱後之色澤相比較。均質液及離心液的呈色以L、a、b值及所換算的W. I.(whiteness index)值表示,均質液及離心液若呈現褐色,表示該絲瓜果實煮後褐化。絲瓜果肉均質30秒之L值與煮後(100℃,5 min)之L值有直線關係,相關係數達5%的顯著水準。褐化品系比不褐化品系的均質液L值較低,離心液L值也以褐化品系較低,本試驗建立此鑑定絲瓜褐化的流程,可提供育種者一標準實驗室測定法。
To test for browning of luffa(Luffa aegyptiaca Mill.) fruit flesh, 21 breeding lines were used in the study. The fruit flesh was homogenized for 30 sec or homogenized ollowed by centrifuge and the liquid color was compared to the color of boiled (100 ℃, 5 min) flesh. The fruit browning was indicated by the brown color of the homogenate. Good correlation exists between L value of boiled flesh and L value of homogenate . The homogenate or supernatant L values for browned fruit were generally lower than those fruit not browned. The process of homogenization can be served as a standard laboratory test for plant breeders to screen for a non browning luffa variety. |