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Breeding of New Jelly Fig (Ficus pumila L. var. awkeotsang (Makino) Corner) Cultivars 'Miaoli No. 1' and 'Miaoli No. 2'
作者 林孟均吳登楨吳輝虎彭淑貞盧美君
行政院農業委員會苗栗區農業改良場,以多年來收集全臺愛玉子種原為基礎,在育成高產、高瘦果率及凝膠能力強的愛玉子新品種為育種目標下,經個體觀察、品系選拔及比較試驗,於2012年及2013年選出具大果特性的‘苗栗1號’(品種權字第A01379號)及具早生特性的‘苗栗2號’(品種權字第A01443號)。‘苗栗1號’隱花果發育期約需90-109天,鮮果單重168.5±7.1g,瘦果重26.4±2.2g,瘦果率83.9±0.6%,果膠含量為1.7±0.2%。‘苗栗2號’果實發育期短於90天,較對照品系(MLJFA-01)可提早1個月以上採收,鮮果均重為157.8±11.6g,瘦果重24.7±0.7g,瘦果率78.8±0.9%,果膠含量為2.1±0.3%。新品種總產量均高於對照品系3倍以上,已陸續技轉給農民栽培,目前栽培面積近5公頃。 Jelly fig (Ficus pumila L. var. awkeotsang (Makino) Corner) is an endemic economical crop in Taiwan. The jelly made from water extract of Jelly-fig achene is a locally popular dessert. Based on the jelly-fig clonal lines collected, we tried to select and bred new cultivars for high yield, achene ratio, and gel-forming ability. The two new cultivars, 'Miaoli No.1' (Certificate number: A01379) with large fruit size and 'Miaoli No.2' (Certificate number: A01443) with early-maturing trait were released in 2012 and 2013, respectively. The syconium of 'Miaoli No.1' possessed a developmental duration from 90 to 109 days, fruit weight 168.5±7.1 g, achene weight 26.4±2.2 g, achene ratio 83.9±0.6%, and pectin content 1.7±0.2%. The important traits of 'Miaoli No.2' included a developmental duration less than 90 days, one month earlier than control, fruit weight 157.8±11.6 g, achene weight 24.7±0.7g, achene ratio 78.8±0.9%, and pectin content 2.1±0.3%. The yield of 'Miaoli No. 1' and 'Miaoli No. 2' was estimated over 3 times higher than the control. The new cultivars have been transferred to farmers and 5 ha of cultivation area was extended.
起訖頁 83-97
關鍵詞 產量果膠凝膠能力yieldpectingel-forming ability
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201706 (63:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-下一篇 氮素濃度對三種香蜂草生長、精油產量及成分之影響




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