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Study on Hydroponically Cultivated Crisphead Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) in Closed-type Plant Factory
作者 林淑怡張至緣郭美琳羅筱鳳
本研究目的為建立於密閉式植物工場全年栽培無農藥、低硝酸鹽結球萵苣之適當環境條件,期有助於減少臺灣夏季進口量。以結球萵苣10個栽培品種為試驗材料,根據發芽率、平均發芽天數與苗期表現,挑選表現較佳之“常利6號”作為後續與栽培管理有關之試驗材料,並調查植株之葉球鮮重、葉球堅實度、總可溶性固形物及硝酸鹽含量等園藝性狀。結果發現,從節省能源考量,於密閉式植物工場環境下,建議使用電導度1.2 mS.cm^(-1)之Lee配方養液進行“常利6號”之水耕栽培,並設定光強度為150μmol.m^(-2).s^(-1)、光週期11 h/13 h及日/夜溫20℃/15℃,於播種後第11週可得最佳之產量(398.6 g)、較佳之總可溶性固形物(4.85°Brix)含量和葉球堅實度(23.7 N)與較低的硝酸鹽含量(629.3μg.g^(-1)),並達到市售標準。 This research aimed to set up closed-typed plant factory for pesticide free and low nitrate content crisphead lettuce, in the hope of decreasing lettuce imports to Taiwan during Summer. Ten commercial cultivars of crisphead lettuce were used as materials and in accordance with the performance of germination rate, average germination day and seedling, "Changli-No.6" was preferred and selected as the material for the subsequent cultivation management experiments and subjected to analyses of fresh weight, firmness, total soluble solid content and nitrate content of leaf head. Results demonstrated that, from the energy conservation point of view, crisphead lettuce "Changli-No.6" was put forward to be hydroponic cultivated with Lee nutrient formula under EC 1.2 mS.cm^(-1), light intensity 150 μmol.m^(-2).s^(-1), photoperiod 11 h /13 h and day/night temperatures 20℃/15℃ in the closed type plant factory. In the eleventh week after sowing, the highest fresh weight (398.6 g), better total soluble solid content (4.85o Brix) and firmness (23.7 N), and lower nitrate content (629.3 μg.g^(-1)) of leaf head could be attained.
起訖頁 17-32
關鍵詞 養液配方電導度光強度日∕夜溫光週期nutrient formulaelectronic conductivitylight intensityday/night temperaturephotoperiod
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201603 (62:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 氯化鈣前處理誘導葉用蘿蔔耐熱性
該期刊-下一篇 半結球萵苣於缺磷逆境與不同光強度之生理反應




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