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Establishing Breeding Index of High Performance of Apricot Flavor in Prunus phaeosticta
作者 劉炳志陳柏安 (P. A. Chen)林書妍阮素芬李金龍陳右人
墨點櫻桃(dark-spotted cherry)(Prunus phaeosticta(Hance)Maxim.)葉片中的野黑櫻醣苷(prunasin)及苦杏仁苷(amygdalin)會水解產生揮發性產物苯甲醛及氫氰酸,使葉片具明顯杏仁味。墨點櫻桃幼葉為赭紅色,陽明山竹子湖地區野生植株於萌芽後28至35日(days after bud breaking, DAB)葉色褪紅並轉為綠色,於63 DAB轉呈墨綠色之成熟葉,葉長8.71cm、寬2.57cm。墨點櫻桃葉內氰醣苷濃度,自幼葉時(28 DAB)的17.6mg HCN.g^(-1)F.W.下降至成熟葉(63 DAB)的10.2mg HCN.g^(-1)F.W.^(-1);而每一葉片內氰醣苷總量則由0.91mg HCN.Leaf^(-1)上升至2.17 mg HCN.Leaf^(-1)。由測定墨點櫻桃葉片之水解酵素活性顯示,可以苦味酸鈉法測定反應5個小時的氫氰酸生成速率,定義為氰醣苷水解酶活性;而24小時內產生的總氫氰酸含量,定義為其葉片中的總氰醣苷含量。葉片中氰醣苷含量與氰醣苷水解酶活性,皆與感官品評杏仁味分數無關,但與氰醣苷含量對氰醣苷水解酶活性之比值分析與品評分數呈線性負向相關(R^2=0.94, p<0.01)。本研究指出高杏仁味墨點櫻桃之選育,可利用測量成熟葉之氰醣苷含量對氰醣苷水解酶活性之比值作為選拔指標。 Benzyl aldehyde and hydrogen cyanide, which are hydrolyzed from prunasin and amygdalin, are the apricot smell volatiles in leaves of dark-spotted cherry (Prunus phaeosticta). The young leaves are brick-red and turn to green during 28 to 35 days after bud breaking (DAB). Leaves were matured at 63 DAB, and the length and width were 8.71 cm and 2.57cm respectively. The concentration of cyanogenic glycosides in young leaf (28DAB) was 17.6mg HCN.g^(-1) F.W., and decreased to 10.2mg HCN.g^(-1) F.W. at 63 DAB. However, the content of each single leaf increased from 0.91mg HCN to 2.17mg HCN. The analysis of picric acid method to hydrogen cyanide in cyanogenic reaction after 5 hours was defined as the activity of glycosidase. The content of hydrogen cyanide after 24-hour cyanogenic reaction by picric acid method represented the total cyanogenic glycosides in the leaf. Neither the content of cyanogenic glycosides nor the activity of glycosidase had relationships to the evaluation score of apricot smell. However, the ratio of the content to the activity had a negative linear relationship to the evaluation result (R^2=0.94, p<0.01). The results of regression analysis indicated the ratio of the hydrogen glycosides content to the glycosidase activity could be the selection index in the character of high apricot smell in P. phaeosticta.
起訖頁 155-165
關鍵詞 李亞科氰醣苷野黑櫻醣苷苦杏仁苷苦味酸鈉法Prunoideaecyanogenic glycosideprunasinamygdalinpicric acid method
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201509 (61:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-下一篇 熱處理與磨皮對長實金柑全果汁飲料苦味與貯藏期間色澤與揮發物質之影響




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