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Enhancement of Fruit Set and Seed Collection through Manual Assisted Pollination of Lycoris sprengeri
作者 張正曹爾元
連江縣(馬祖)東引鄉為臺灣唯一換錦花天然棲地,本研究以東引鄉野生換錦花族群為研究對象,於盛花期在小紫澳及清水澳二個棲地進行人工輔助授粉,於授粉後33天及34天分別採集人工輔助授粉及天然授粉結實花莖。人工輔助授粉可提高小紫澳棲地內著果花莖16.5%小花著果,即每一花莖增加一個著果數,也提高清水澳棲地13.3%小花著果率,每一花莖增加0.4個著果數。小紫澳棲地換錦花經人工輔助授粉每枝著果花莖可以採收19.3個種子,天然授粉則採收5.4個種子,即人工授粉採收的種子數增加3.8倍。清水澳棲地野生換錦花經人工輔助授粉的每枝著果花莖可以採收18.1個種子,天然授粉則採收11個種子,即人工輔助授粉採收種子數增加1.6倍。 Dongyin Township is the only natural habitat of Lycoris sprengeri in Taiwan. Manually assisted cross-pollination of L. sprengeri during their blossoming season in the Xiaojinao and Qingshuiao habitats in Dongyin was compared. Approximately 33 to 34 d after pollination, the umbels with mature fruits were collected and the seeds counted. In the Xiaojinao habitat, fruit set of the manually assisted cross-pollinated L. sprengeri increased by 16.5% with one more fruit set per umbel. An average of 19.3 and 5.4 seeds per umbel from manually and open pollinated L. sprengeri was obtained, respectively. Manual assisted pollination increased the seed amount by 3.8 times. In the Qingshuiao habitat, fruit set of the manually assisted cross-pollinated L. sprengeri increased by 13.3% (0.4 fruit set per umbel). An average of 18.1 and 11.0 seeds per umbel from manually and open pollinated L. sprengeri was obtained, respectively. Manual assisted pollination increased the seed amount by 1.6 times.
起訖頁 327-333
關鍵詞 花粉萌發石蒜東引鄉馬祖種子pollen germinationspider lilyDongyin TownshipMatsuseed
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201212 (58:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 高溫、淹水及乾旱對甘藷葉綠素螢光之影響




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