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Effects of Compound Fertilizers on Growth, Flowering, and Mineral Nutrient Concentrations of Doritaenopsis Orchids
作者 蔣廣元陳麗筠
本研究旨在探討不同市售複合肥對朵麗蝶蘭Doritaenopsis Sogo Vivien ''''SogoF858''''(簡稱F858)與Dtps. Happy Valentine×P. Otoglade(簡稱PA)二品種之生長與開花之影響。試驗之肥料有Peters 20-20-20(簡稱PT)、Poly-feed 19-19-19(簡稱PF)、Taiwan Fertilizer 15-15-15(簡稱TF)、OMEX 20-20-20(簡稱OX)、微寶生技肥19.7-21-20.7(簡稱MB)、花卉研究中心研發之肥料配方8-9-14.5(簡稱FRC),並以只給水(RO水)者做為對照,再分為0.5與0.35 g‧L^(-1)二種施肥濃度進行比較。經肥培管理4個月期間,二品種水苔pH值皆降低,以FRC處理之pH值最低。EC值隨施用濃度增加而提升,其中以FRC處理之EC值最高,其次為TF。雖然FRC處理地上部生育表現良好,地下部之鮮乾重卻較輕。各肥料試驗株之營養生長情況以0.50g‧L^(-1)優於0.35 g‧L^(-1)者,前者施用後葉片較寬且長、鮮乾重較重。TF肥料之N-P-K比例雖較低,但營養生長與開花表現並未較差。PT之價格是各肥料中最高者,但對蝴蝶蘭營養生長與開花品質之表現卻不如預期。F858經PF肥料施用後,二種試驗濃度均有100%的雙梗率。不論品種與濃度,FRC處理株之營養生長與開花表現均優於其他肥料處理,且葉片的鉀與鐵濃度較高,根部的鉀、鈣、鎂、鋅與鐵濃度較高,顯示朵麗蝶蘭之生長、開花與植體中鉀與鐵濃度有關。就整體開花品質而言,PF、TF與FRC施用後,較早抽梗與開花,且總花朵數較多,花朵鮮乾重較重。 The experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of six fertilizers on growth and flowering of two Doritaenopsis cultivars, Dtps. Sogo Vivien 'Sogo F858' (F858) and Dtps. Happy Valentine × P. Otoglade (PA). Eighty milliliters of following fertilizers, Peters 20-20-20 (PT), Poly-feed 19-19-19 (PF), Taiwan Fertilizer 15-15-15 (TF), OMEX 20-20-20 (OX), Micro-Bao 19.7-21-20.7 (MB), and Floriculture Research Center fertilizer 8-9-14.5 (FRC) were fertigated to each pot respectively at concentration of 0.5 or 0.35 g‧L^(-1), when the moss volumetric water content was between 28% and 32%. Control plants were watered only. After four months, fertigation with FRC resulted in the lowest moss pH, and the moss pH with two cultivars decreased with time. Moss fertigated with FRC fertilizer always had the highest EC value, followed by TF. The EC of moss was higher with 0.5 g‧L^(-1) fertilizer than that with 0.35 g‧L^(-1). Plants fertigated with FRC had more shoot growth, but less root growth. Higher fertilizer concentration (0.5 g‧L^(-1)) resulted in better plant growth than 0.35 g‧L^(-1) fertilizer. Plants with 0.5 g‧L^(-1) fertilizers produced wider and longer leaves, with heavier fresh and dry weights. PT was the most expensive among the fertilizers tested, but plants with PT did not grow better than other fertilizer treatments. All F858 plants supplied with PF produced two spikes, regardless of fertilizer concentration used. Plant with FRC had the best vegetative growth and flowering, possibly due to increased potassium and iron in leaves, and also increased potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and iron in roots. The results indicated that plants flowered earlier, had more flowers and heavier flower fresh and dry weights when PF, TF or FRC were applied.
起訖頁 199-217
關鍵詞 酸鹼值導電度生殖生長無機元素分析Potential of hydrogenElectrical ConductivityReproductive GrowthMineral Element Analysis
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201209 (58:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 土壤水分逆境對果樹生理之影響
該期刊-下一篇 電石水中對鳳梨催花有效之重要成分及1-MCP之拮抗作用




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