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The Effect of Activated Charcoal and Sucrose on in vitro Seed Germination of Arundina Graminifolia
作者 蔡函育張正
竹葉蘭為陽性原生蘭,適合作為庭園觀賞植物。本研究建立一種竹葉蘭無菌播種繁殖之方法。種子以綠果播種12週後,發芽率達96.6%,無發芽障礙,可大量繁殖幼苗。以裂果播種時,於培養基中添加1g.L^-1活性碳、能提升種子的發芽率及促進小苗的發育,但添加蔗糖卻無效果甚至產生反效果。實生苗於播種四個月後繼代至蘭花瓶,並於繼代後三個月移植出瓶,存活率98%。經一年栽培,植株發育達17公分高,即可用於庭園定植栽培。 Arundina, a sun-loving Taiwan native orchid, is an ideal garden plant. An in vitro germination system of Arundina graminifolia seeds was established in this way. Axenic seeds from pre-dehiscent capsules germinated readily, achieving 96.6% germination rate in 12 weeks of culture. In the experiments of post-dehiscent seed germination, addition of 1 g.L^-1 activated charcoal in the medium promoted seed germination rate as well as seedling growth. However, addition of sucrose either had no effect or was counterproductive. Four months after germination, seedlings were transplanted to glass flasks. After another 3 months of growth, the seedlings were ready for deflasking. Ninety-eight percent of transplanted seedlings survived. The seedlings reached 17 cm in height after one year of cultivation and were ready to be planted in the garden.
起訖頁 71-77
關鍵詞 蘭科碳水化合物發芽率實生苗生長指數Orchidaceaecarbohydrategermination percentageseedling growth index
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201203 (58:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 氯酸鉀促進龍眼非時開花之效果




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