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Effect of Fertilization after Simulated Export Transportation on Flower Quality and Leaf Color of Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian 'V3'
作者 黃肇家游淑琴蔡金玉黃慧穗張庚鵬
近年來台灣蝴蝶蘭大量海運外銷,但在海外販售時有部分植株因葉色變黃綠而被視為品質不良,本研究試探以施肥改善模擬海運後之蝴蝶蘭葉色及開花品質。試驗以大白花蝴蝶蘭Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian 'V3'放在19℃黑暗下28日模擬海運,之後在一般溫室栽培。一個月後以商業肥料15N-2.2P-12.5K(Peters Excel 15-5-15 Cal-Mag)噴施或澆灌連續1.5個月或2.5個月,或以20N-8.7P-16.6K肥料(Peters Professional 20-20-20)澆灌1.5個月或2.5個月,並以澆灌去離子水為對照。每棵植株留一個花梗,於花朵盛開時調查開花與葉片品質。結果兩種肥料澆灌1.5或2.5個月皆可增加植株花梗帶有分叉之百分率,由40%提高到70%;同時分叉數由1個提高到2個,花序長度由32.7 cm提高到34.8 cm,總花朵數由13朵提高到17朵。各處理間比較,澆灌效果遠高於噴施,Peters 20-20-20優於Peters 15-5-15,施肥2.5個月優於1.5個月。對於開花時間、花朵直徑及盆花壽命則各處理間沒有差異。對照組植株於花朵盛開時,大多數葉片變淡綠或黃化;以Peters 15-5-15澆灌之植株顯著降低葉片黃化程度,但仍有下位葉黃化之現象;以Peters 20-20-20澆灌2.5個月則使植株大部分葉片維持深綠。 Taiwan exports Phalaenopsis in quantity in the form of mature seedlings which are commonly shipped by sea. Such plants after a long period of travelling in the dark may sometimes exhibit leaf yellowing symptoms during flowering stage and may have poorer flowering performance. This study investigates the effect of fertilization on alleviating those defects. Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian 'V3' plants were kept at 19℃ in the dark for 28 days as a simulation of marine shipment. Plants were then grown in the greenhouse. Fertilization began one month later. Two kinds of fertilizers, 15N-2.2P-12.5K (Peters Excel 15-5-15 Cal-Mag) and 20N-8.7P-16.6K (Peters Professional 20-20-20), were applied either by spraying or by surface irrigation for a period of 1.5 or 2.5 months. The result indicated that application of either of the two fertilizers by irrigation increased the percentage of flower stalks with branches from 40% to 70%. Fertilization also increased the number of branches form one to two, increased the length of inflorescences from 32.7 cm to 34.8 cm, and increased the number of flowers from 13 to 17. The effectiveness of fertilization was more pronounced when applied as irrigation than as spray, when using Peters 20-20-20 than using Peters 15-515, and when fertilizers were applied for 2.5 months than for 1.5 months. However, fertilization had no effect on the time to anthesis, flower diameter, or inflorescence longevity. Most leaves on the control plants became pale green with slight yellowing. Leaves on the upper part of the plants irrigated with Peters 15-5-15 remained green. Most leaves on the entire plants irrigated with Peters 20-20-20 were green. Proper fertilization of Phalaenopsis plants after long-distance transportation seemed to be effective in improving the leaf color and flower quality of the plants.
起訖頁 133-142
關鍵詞 葉片色澤花朵數花序長度花序壽命Leaf colorFlower numberInflorescence lengthInflorescence longevity
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201106 (57:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 高溫妨礙‘台農二號'番木瓜果實之後熟軟化
該期刊-下一篇 氮肥與激勃素對草莓植株及走莖生長之影響




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