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Effects of Supplemental Chemicals and Light Quality on Adventitious Root Induction of In Vitro Grown Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis Shoots
作者 吳宣萱滕民強陳福旗
本試驗以蝴蝶蘭與朵麗蝶蘭花梗芽為材料,探討培養基中成分與培養用光質,對不定根形成之影響。生長素(auxin)與一氧化氮發生劑硝普酸鈉(sodium nitroprusside, SNP),單獨或同時添加於培養基中,對芽體發根未見顯著之效果,且40μMSNP完全抑制發根。添加4-20mMKCl可促進Doritaenopsis Taihort Gem ''''A87-76''''及Phalaenopsis Brother Stage培植體發根。添加磷酸二氫鈣的試驗中,無論何種濃度對發根率與平均發根數影響皆不明顯。易發根的Dtps. TaihortGem ''''A87-76''''無論是以維生素B1或B6處理,未見對發根率與平均根數的誘導作用,且生長素與維生素B6共同處理時,維生素B6會抑制IAA的作用,降低發根率。品種間的發根能力以Dtps. TaihortGem ''''A87-76''''優於Phal. Brother Stage。Dtps. TaihortGem ''''A87-76''''芽體培植體於不同光質下處理,添加或不添加IAA,發根率介於40%-95%;培養基中是否添加生長素對該營養系發根率影響不大。以白光處理最明顯增加發根率,藍光或紅光之效果較次,綠光處理組發根率最差。 Shoots derived from flower stalk node culture of Phalaenopsis and Doritaenopsis orchids were used to study the effects of some chemical and physical factors on adventitious root formation. Auxin and nitrous oxide releasing agent, sodium nitroprusside (SNP), added separately or in combination into rooting media, did not increase root formation. Instead, 40μM SNP inhibited rooting. Addition of 4-20 mM KCl promoted rooting of Doritaenopsis Taihort Gem 'A87-76' as well as Phalaenopsis Brother Stage. Adding calcium dihydrogen phosphate in rooting medium did not show significant effects on rooting ratio and root number. Addition of vitamins B1 or B6 did not show significant effect on rooting either. Vitamins B6, when added together with auxin, inhibited the effect of IAA on rooting ratio. The rooting efficiency of Dtps. Taihort Gem 'A87-76' was better than Phal. Brother Stage. The rooting rates of Dtps. Taihort Gem 'A87-76' shoots under different light quality with or without IAA ranged from 40 to 95%. Auxin did not show a significant effect on rooting under different light treatments for this cultivar. White light had the most significant effect to increase rooting percentage, followed by blue and red light, while green light resulted in the least rooting.
起訖頁 127-135
關鍵詞 生長素一氧化氮發生劑發光二極體維他命Bauxinnitric oxide donorlight-emitting diodevitamins B
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200906 (55:2期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 低溫貯藏及蒸熱處理對‘帝王’番石榴果實品質之影響




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