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Study on Xylem Sap Exudate of Luffa Gourd (Luffa spp.)
作者 鄔家琪張允瓊
絲瓜露為民間傳統廣泛使用之保健美容材料,但缺乏相關生產研究。本研究以9種不同絲瓜品種(Luffa spp.)進行絲瓜露生產技術與條件之研究。結果參試品種間絲瓜露產量差異顯著;以‘七美’品種產量最多,平均每株814 mL;‘平安’產量最少,平均每株591 mL。圓筒絲瓜(L. cylindrical)之絲瓜露產量高於稜角絲瓜(L. acutangula)。充分灌溉有助於提高絲瓜露產量。灌溉後24-48小時採集絲瓜露較72小時後採集之產量高。絲瓜露產量隨著植株株齡的增加而增加;定植後3-4個月之產量高於定植後1-2個月。一天中,早、中、晚三個不同時間開始採集絲瓜露,對產量影響不大,但收集時間需有15小時以上才有較高的絲瓜露產量。 The yields of xylem sap exudates of 9 cultivars of luffa gourds (Luffa spp.) were studied. The yields varied among cultivars. 'Seven-Beauty' had the highest yield, averaging 814 mL per plant, while 'Ping-Ann' had the lowest yield, averaging 519 ml per plant. On average, smooth sponge gourd (L. cylindrical) had higher xylem sap exudates than angled luffa (L. acutangila). Adequate irrigation resulted in higher yield of xylem sap exudates compared to reduced irrigation. The yield declined when the time gap between irrigation and sap collection exceeded 48 hr. Luffa gourd, plants which had been growing for four months produced more xylem sap exudates than younger plants. Beginning time of xylem sap exudates collection in the morning, at noon, or in the evening made no difference in yields. However, the collection time should be at least 15 hrs in order to get satisfactory yields.
起訖頁 247-254
關鍵詞 蔬菜葫蘆科栽培產量vegetableCucurbitaceaecultivationyield
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200809 (54:3期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 三種不同配方之肥料對臺灣白花蝴蝶蘭營養生長與養分吸收之影響
該期刊-下一篇 綠竹主要營養元素在不同溫度處理下之分配特性




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