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Selection of Phytophthora Blight and Bacterial Wilt Tolerance in Sweet Pepper Lines as Rootstocks
作者 吳登琳林志鴻 (Chih-Hung Lin)許宗銘柏拉達
篩選茄科番椒屬(Capcicum)根砧124種品系,包括6個甜椒雜交品種,經疫病Phytophthora blight(PB)、青枯病bacterial wilt(BW)接種後,甜椒雜交種感病率83-100%。為能篩選出耐病辣椒品系供作甜椒根砧,進行耐疫病、青枯病檢定。發現19個辣椒品系具耐PB、BW病害,其中13種品系更兼耐淹水性。甜椒品種嫁接在15種辣椒砧木,平均耐病率各分別為PB(43.8%)和BW(46.9%)。觀察其中辣椒品系9852-54,CCA 3336,PBC 535,TOOM-1和自根苗,經PB、BW病菌接種過後之根部均有損害。但全部嫁接苗株高,葉面積生長率比自根苗增加,推測砧木與穗木之間具有高親和性;而盆栽試驗中嫁接苗砧木使用0242-61和0242-62辣椒品系,不但具抗耐土壤PB、BW和高溫高濕,且親和性佳。此試驗利用嫁接苗根砧耐疫病與青枯病基因特性,減低土壤病害發生與對增強甜椒在高溫高濕之夏季栽培技術提升有其發揮作用。 A survey for diseases resistance in AVRDC-pepper lines, showed that among the 124 lines tested including six commercial sweet pepper cultivars, 19 accessions exhibited very high resistance/tolerance to soil borne phytophthora blight (PB) and bacterial wilt (BW) and 13 accessions with additional flooding tolerance. All six commercial sweet pepper cultivars were very susceptible to both diseases. The sweet pepper cultivar grafted onto resistant chili-stock increased survival rate to PB (43.8%) and BW(46.9%), the root of 9852-54, CCA 3336、PBC 535、TOOM-1 and the ungrafted pepper cultivar were severely damaged. The grafts tended to have higher expansion indicating good compatibility on plant height and leaf-area between scion and rootstocks. Lines of 0242-61 and 0242-62 used as a rootstock not only give the grafts tolerance to PB and BW pathogens, but also against to high soil temperature and moisture, in which enhanced sweet pepper yields increasing during the hot-wet in summer.
起訖頁 47-58
關鍵詞 番椒屬嫁接技術穗木砧木親和性淹水疫病害青枯病害Capcicumgrafting technologyscionrootstockcompatibilityfloodingPhytophthora blightbacterial wilt
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200803 (54:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 修剪對鳳梨釋迦新梢生長及開花之影響
該期刊-下一篇 黃花蝴蝶蘭育種障礙之表現




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