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Effects of Curing Treatments on the Quality of Deflasked Plantlets in Phalaenopsis Hybrids during Simulated Shippment
作者 葉怡君莊畫婷沈再木
本試驗主要在探討蝴蝶蘭Doritaenopsis Leopard Prince 'KH5733#2'、Phalaenopsis Taisuco Crane 'KH4686'和Dtps. Sinica Sunday 'SCL141#21'三品種之出瓶苗,貯運前於不同相對濕度下進行癒傷處理,並模擬貯運三天後對出瓶苗品質之影響。在不同相對濕度下,以Dtps. Sinica Sunday 'SCL141#21'之出瓶苗的失重率為最高。三品種之出瓶苗經不同相對濕度癒傷處理12小時,其植株葉綠素螢光值Fv/Fm值均能維持在0.760.83。供試之三品種之蝴蝶蘭出瓶苗經癒傷48-72小時,根活性均比出瓶時高,顯示出瓶苗暴露於空氣中在經一定時間後可調整適應之。比較三個品種出瓶苗經癒傷處理,再經貯運3天,於溫室下種植8週後,以Dtps. Sinica Sunday 'SCL141#21'之存活率為最低。三品種之出瓶苗貯運前以相對濕度70%癒傷處理12小時以內,再經20℃黑暗貯運3天,則經在溫室種植8週後,成活率均可達100%。 This experiment aimed to study the effects of curing treatments under different relative humidity on the quality of deflasked plantlets simulated shipment for 3 days in three Phalaenopsis hybrids Dtps. Leopard Prince 'KH5733#2', Phal. Taisuco Crane 'KH4686' and Dtps. Sinica Sunday 'SCL141#21'. Whatever deflasked plantlets cured under different relative humidity, the deflasked plantlets of Dtps. Sinica Sunday 'SCL141#21' showed the highest weight loss rate. The leaf chlorophyll fluorescence Fv/Fm value of deflasked plantlets in three phalaenopsis hybrids cured under different relative humidity for 12 hrs range from 0.76 to 0.83. The root activities of plantlets under 48-72 hrs of curing were higher than those of plantlets just ex vitro. The results indicated deflasked plantlets of Phalaenopsis could be acclimatized through a period of time in exposure to the air. Comparing to the survival rates of deflasked plantlets in these three Phalaenopsis hybrids cured under RH 50-90% and simulated shippment for 3 days, Dtps. Sinica Sunday 'SCL141#21' had the lowest survival rate after 8 weeks of growing in the greenhouse. However, the deflacked plantlets of three Phalaenopsis hybrids cured under RH70% for less than 12 hrs, and simulated shippment at 20℃ for 3 days, had 100% survival rate.
起訖頁 61-70
關鍵詞 蝴蝶蘭癒傷貯運出瓶苗Phalaenopsiscuringshipmentdeflasked olantlets
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200603 (52:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 種球貯藏方式對伯利恆之星產期及開花品質的影響
該期刊-下一篇 人造纖維應用於蝴蝶蘭栽培介質之研究




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