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Characteristics of Near-Surface S-wave Velocity
Characteristics of Near-Surface S-wave Velocity
作者 郭俊翔溫國樑謝宏灝林哲民
so-called Vs30, for example, is a critical simplified parameter in engineering to illustrate seismic site effect. This study was based on the Engineering Geological Database for TSMIP(EGDT), which is being undertaken by the National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering(NCREE) and the Central Weather Bureau(CWB) in Taiwan since 2000. EGDT contains 469 surveyed stations so far, the number is about 69%(469/682) of the free-field TSMIP network. We therefore used the database to evaluate empirical S-wave velocity(Vs) equations for different regions by relating Vs to depth and N-value, and the site categories of drilled strong motion stations were classified according to the Vs30 criterion of Building Seismic Safety Council(BSSC). In addition, researchers and engineers in related fields can search their stations of interest and apply for the data on the website: http://egdt.ncree.org.tw/.
起訖頁 125-128
關鍵詞 EGDTVs30TSMIPS-wave velocitysite classification
刊名 NCREE Research Programs and Accomplishments  
期數 2011 (2010期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院國家地震工程研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 Earthquake Source Parameters and Micro-tremor Site Characteristics Study-Geochemical Monitoring
該期刊-下一篇 Earthquake Source Parameters and Micro-tremor Site Characteristics(Micro-Earthquake Monitoring)




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