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The Process and Argument of the Amendment of Medical Criminal Liability Rationalization
作者 蔡秀男
大氣懸浮微粒(PM),也稱為氣膠,是指懸浮在空氣中肉眼無法辨識之極微小固體顆粒。流行病學領域之相關研究顯示,環境中PM 2.5濃度對人類健康造成的不良影響已經引起人們相當大的關注。許多國家為保障公眾健康皆頒布了PM 2.5空氣品質標準,當中用來定義微粒之粒徑的方法也非常多元。本文將溫度、濕度以及光學氣膠感測器和無線傳輸模組作整合,開發出一種可攜式多感測器模組。將該開發模組置放於乾燥箱中利用溫濕計和雷射粒子計數器做測試,並透過最小平方法建立一迴歸方程式。監控模組則分別設置在乾燥箱之上層、中間層和底層,箱內濕度則控制在20%至90%之間,以監測光學氣溶膠感測器在各環境條件和空間維度下之性能。實驗結果顯示,光學氣溶膠感測器之計數數值隨著相對濕度的上升而增加,計數器之上層數值皆高於中間層和底層,而溫度對於粒子感測器沒有實質性的影響。 Atmospheric particulate matter(PM) , also called aerosols, refers to solid particles or droplets suspended in the air. The existence of these particles cannot be easily detected by people because they are too small to be identifi ed with the naked eyes. The concentration of ambient PM2.5 has been attracting considerable research attention because of its adverse effect on human health, as revealed by many epidemiological studies. To protect public health, PM2.5 air quality standards have been promulgated in many countries, and various measurement methods for defi ning the particle size exist. In this study, temperature, humidity, and optical aerosol sensors were integrated with a wireless transmission module for developing a portable multisensor monitoring module. The developed module was tested using a thermohygrometer and laser particle counter in a dry box to establish a regression equation by using the least squares method. To discuss the environmental condition and spatial dimension affect, the monitoring module was then placed in the bottom, middle, and upper layers of the dry box, and the relative humidity was controlled between 20% and 90% to monitor the performance of the optical aerosol sensor under various environmental conditions and spatial dimensions. Experimental results indicated that the aerosol count provided by the optical aerosol sensor increased with the relative humidity level. Temperature did not have a substantial effect on the particle sensor. The aerosol counter had a higher aerosol count in the upper layer than in the middle and bottom layers under various environmental conditions.
起訖頁 69-75
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201903 (218期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 應用於工廠煙道環境之即時光學空氣品質監測系統
該期刊-下一篇 可變焦透鏡多焦點影像應用於顯微形貌量測




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