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Evolution and Cases on the Amendment of Article 82 of the Medical Care Act
作者 吳元曜
全球科技產業帶動了工業及都市的發展,車輛及工廠等因素增加,空氣品質明顯的受到衝擊效應,並造成疾病與災害,如2014年高雄發生丙烯氣爆意外案。此時,若能開發將氣體感測器整合於常用之行動裝置上,達到以「人」為中心的環境監測,也許就可以阻止遺憾發生。這個概念全世界嗅到了,2016年國際Yole Development預估,2021年氣體感測器的使用量會從2014年的120萬個,增加到3億5000萬個,成長約300倍,產值將超過20億美元,且絕大部分使用於智慧型手機(smart phone)。然而,要整合於智慧型手機上,氣體感測器必須達到微小化及低耗能的需求。目前惟有以微機電系統(MEMS)技術所開發半導體式晶片型氣體感測器方能達到最微小化、最低耗能及低成本,所以相關產品備受矚目。本研究係以微機電系統整合技術平台為基礎,發展金屬氧化物半導體式氣體感測器,透過不同感測薄膜如二氧化錫(SnO2)氣體感測薄膜、奈米氣體感測薄膜,分別針對NO2氣體濃度、SO2氣體濃度與酒精(alcohol)氣體濃度進行量測。 Global technology industry has been driven the development of industry and cities. With the increasing factors of vehicles and factories, the air quality was signifi cantly affected. These air pollutants cause diseases and disasters. For example, in the evening of July 31, 2014, Kaohsiung’s gas explosion accident. At that time, if we can develop the integration of each gas sensor into a common mobile device, achieve the purpose of environmental monitoring and action the detection with 'people' as the center of it. The concept has got the whole world’s attention. Such as this year(2016) , International Yole Development estimated the usage of gas sensor will increase from 1.2 million in 2014 to 350 million in 2021.The number increasing is about 300 times and the output value will be more than $ 2 billion. The most usage will smart phones. However, to be integrated in mobile devices, gas sensors must be miniaturized and low power consumption. At present, there are micro-electro-mechanical systems(MEMS) technology developed by the semiconductor chip-type gas sensor to achieve the smallest, lowest energy and low cost, which caught people’s attention. In this study, based on the MEMS integrated technology platform we develop metal oxide semiconductor gas sensors by using the different sensing fi lms such as SnO2 and nano gas sensing fi lm. Therefore, NO2 gas concentration, SO2 gas concentration and alcohol gas concentration were measured.
起訖頁 42-50
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201903 (218期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 固態電化學式NOx感測器於Euro 6空氣汙染防制之研究
該期刊-下一篇 低耗能氣體感測器設計與製作方法




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