中文摘要 |
本文將介紹福爾摩沙衛星五號(FORMOSAT-5,以下簡稱福衛五號)衛星的構型與結構設計,衛星結構的勁度分析、靜力分析、動力分析以及發射載具星箭耦合分析的分析結果。此外,由於光學遙測酬載(Remote Sensing Instrument)在軌道上拍攝影像時,需要高穩定結構體的要求,因此福衛五號衛星的結構設計可將由本體結構所產生的熱變形加以隔離,以避免造成光學遙測酬載結構的扭曲變形而影響取像品質。在光學遙測酬載與衛星本體整合後,福衛五號衛星進行了四種動態發射環境測試(正弦振動測試、音震測試、隨機振動測試和分離衝擊測試),本文將描述福衛五號衛星的結構設計及動態發射環境測試的測試過程與結果,而衛星的功能測試驗證了衛星在歷經動態發射環境測試後的健康狀況,這些均增添了福衛五號衛星的發射和在軌任務的信心。
FORMOSAT-5(FS5) is the fi rst indigenous satellite program developed at National Space Organization(NSPO) . The FS5 satellite confi guration, structure design, structure stiffness, static and dynamic analysis are described in this paper. Furthermore, the special structure design and verifi cation on jitter phenomenon resulting from reaction wheel disturbance during the Remote Sensing Instrument(RSI) taking images on orbit are also introduced. Besides, this paper narrates the FS5 launch dynamic environment tests(sine vibration test, acoustic vibration test, random vibration test and separation shock test) and their results. From satellite function check conducted after satellite dynamic tests, all the satellite components are well functioned and can be completely proven to have the capability for future mission. |