中文摘要 |
光致衰退(light-induced degradation,LID)是一種廣泛存在於工業用(單及多晶)矽太陽能電池片上,經由照光或是施加正向電壓後,進而導致電池片效能衰退的現象。衰退的現象源自於複合中心(缺陷)的生成,有效監控LID的程度對工業界來說是必要的。然而,目前針對電池片做LID測試的標準程序尚未建立,此外,傳統LID測試的衰退源──光的硬體保養並不容易。為此,我們訂定以發展出一台可以提供可靠,快速的工業用LID測試機台做為目標。本文即針對機台研發的過程及其在工業上的應用作介紹。
Light-induced degradation(LID) is a well-known problem of industrial silicon solar cells and can lead to severeelectrical performance loss through the formation of recombination-active defects during the excess carrier injectionby illumination or forward biasing. Thereby an effective LID inspection for industry is essential. Unfortunately, astandard LID test procedure based on the solar cell level is currently missing. Moreover, the maintenance of thetraditional degradation source - light is challenging. In order to solve these concerns, our goal of this work is todevelop a reliable and rapid LID test procedure upon a customer friendly LID test machine. This article introducesthe development process of the machine and its industrial applications. |