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Application of No-contact Skin Oxygen Saturation Imaging System
作者 吳志光
本研究使用非接觸式皮膚光學影像建構皮膚血氧濃度分析技術並應用於血氧濃度、心跳、血流速度等生理指標之評估。研究中以紅光與紅外光影像激發,並擷取兩種光源照射後之皮膚影像,利用反射後皮膚光強度資訊,計算血氧濃度之指數,同時藉由一段時間內之血氧濃度變化轉換成血氧濃度空間頻率以估算心跳、血流速度等生理特徵,本研究所提出之技術具備非接觸式、高光穿透深度與高影像光強度與解析度等優點,並建構成皮膚血氧濃度影像系統,可應用於臨床心血管疾病與慢性疾病之診斷與研究,作為生理健康狀態評估指標。 In this study, the non-contact skin optical images were used to construct skin oxygen saturation distribution image and applied to the assessment of physiological indexes such as blood oxygen saturation, heart rate and blood fl ow velocity. In the study, the red and infrared light were irradiated on the skin tissue and the skin images of both light sources were acquired. Based on the intensity information of reflected skin images, the index of blood oxygen saturation could be calculated. At the same time, the change of blood oxygen saturation in a period of time could be transferred to the spatial frequency of oxygen saturation by the fast Fourier transform(FFT) technique to estimate the heartbeat, blood fl ow velocity and other physiological characteristics. The technology proposed in this study has the advantages of non-contact, high penetration depth and high image light intensity and resolution, and construct the skin oxygen saturation imaging(SOSI) system, which can be applied to clinical cardiovascular disease and chronic disease diagnosis and research for the assessment of a physiological state of health in the future.
起訖頁 47-58
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201803 (214期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 檢測試片於長照方面之應用
該期刊-下一篇 X光同調繞射顯微術之簡介與發展




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