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Antibacterial Nanomaterials for Elderly Long-Term Care
作者 黃俊杰
老人長期照護為現代高齡化社會問題,而慢性傷口照護則是老人長照重要課題之一。在醫學日益增進的時代,許多抗生素與抗菌產品普遍,有效改善細菌所造成的慢性傷口危害,但伴隨著抗生素濫用,多重抗藥性細菌治療已變成首要問題之一。所以開發嶄新的抗菌材料變相當重要,隨著奈米技術的快速發展,可藉由奈米材料之特性發展出功能性抗菌材料以增加抗菌效果。本團隊以奈米抗菌劑作為主軸開發抗菌胜肽修飾之金奈米點及高正電碳奈米點,可有效應用於細菌感染的傷口治療。 Long-term elderly health care is a major concern in the present world with the rapidly increasing ageing population. Chronic wound healing and management is an important issue in the long-term care for the elderly. Nowadays, many antibiotics and antibacterial products are used effectively in wound management to reduce the health hazards caused by bacterial infection. However, the ability of bacteria to develop resistance against multiple drugs leading the evolution of multi-drug resistant strains has become a serious world-wide public health problem, due to the abuse of antibiotics. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop new types of antibacterial materials that can combat multi-drug resistant bacteria. Recently, some nanomaterials have been shown to exhibit unique antimicrobial activities. We have successfully developed gold- and carbon-based nanomaterials for antibacterial wound dressing to treat multi-drug resistant bacterial strains.
起訖頁 11-17
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201803 (214期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 睡眠障礙診療的新契機
該期刊-下一篇 壓力感測技術應用於高齡住院病患之照護管理




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