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Growth and Characterization of Semi-Polar InN Materials
作者 魏艾
氮化銦為一直接能隙半導體,其能隙約為0.7 eV,適合應用於紅外光區之光電元件中,因沿c軸生長之極性InN具有較大的自發性極化效應,會降低電子電洞的複合機率,因此可利用半極性或非極性InN,增加光電效率。半極性InN之研究中,以鋁酸鑭(LaAlO3,LAO)(112)單晶做為基板,在不同溫度成長半極性InN(10¯13)薄膜。當半極性InN薄膜沉積在510°C時有最佳結晶性,其(10¯13)與(0002)半高寬分別約為1408與1830 arsec,且會有兩組180度對稱之晶域(Domain),其磊晶關係為(10¯13)InN //(112)LAO與[1¯210]InN // [11¯1]LAO。另外,LAO與InN之間有極低晶格不匹配率([1¯210]InN方向約為-7.75%,[¯3032]InN方向約為0.2%),電性方面,半極性InN成長溫度於510°C有最高之電子遷移率與最低載子濃度。光學特性經由PL光譜在10 K量測結果顯示,NBE訊號範圍約為0.72至0.81 eV。在510°C所沉積之InN在所有的樣品中有最強的放射訊號與窄的半高寬值。因此,本研究主要在探討半極性InN生長於(112)鋁酸鑭(LaAlO3,LAO)單晶基板上時所呈現出不同的光電與顯微結構特性。藉由其展現之光電與顯微結構之特性與行為便瞭解薄膜成長機制,有助於提升InN-based磊晶薄膜之品質。 InN material is a direct energy gap semiconductor which is potential for optoelectronics and electronics application. Semipolar InN(10¯13) films were prepared on LaAlO3(112) substrate by varying the substrate temperature. The results show that semipolar InN(10¯13) layers can be grown at 510 °C with the(0002) FWHMs value of 1830 arcsec and(10¯13) XRC FWHMs value of 1408 arcsec. Also, the InN fi lm is in epitaxy with LAO substrate with orientation relationships of InN(10¯13) // LAO(112) and [1¯210]InN // [11¯1]LAO. The lattice mismatch between InN and LAO can then be estimated to be 7.75 % along the [1¯210]InN direction and 0.2 % along the [¯3032]InN direction. Electronic properties showed that the InN film grown at 510 °C exhibits the highest electron mobility of 494 cm2/V-s and lowest carrier concentration of 2.4×1019 cm-3. PL spectra at 10 K showed the peaks of near band-edge emission at energies between 0.72-0.81 eV. However, InN grown at 510 °C has the highest peak intensity and the narrowest FWHM of these samples which has better quality.
起訖頁 85-102
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201609 (208期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 次世代遙測衛星酬載光機結構設計與分析




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