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The On-Site X-ray Stress Measurement and Vibratory Stress Relief Technique
作者 陳尚青許道生吳威德
殘留應力雖常見於工業界,但由於產生於無形,工業界並不知其中的重大危害將影響工件變形、精準度失效、降低疲勞強度等危害,所以必須考慮應力消除後不能影響工件的機械性能,本文所要介紹的振動消除應力技術,藉由外加低頻波使材料產生自發性高頻波動,以釋放材料內部的殘留應力,並藉由非破壞應力量測技術,準確地知道殘留應力的數值,確保工件使用上的安全性。此技術已被證明更能有效地降低殘留應力、避免工件變形並提升材料強度等優點。 Although the residual stress is often to appear on the industries, due to the residual stress that is not observed, the industries don't know that the residual stress will affect the deformation, failure of accuracy, and decreasing fatigue strength of the workpieces. So, we must consider that it cannot infl uence the mechanical properties of the workpieces. Now, we will introduce the vibratory stress relief(V.S.R) technique that spontaneously makes the vibration waves to reduce the residual stress of the inside of the workpieces. And, we use the non-destructive stress measure technique to get the values of the residual stress. In the long term, we will make sure of the safety of using the workpieces. The vibratory stress relief(V.S.R) technique has been proved some advantages, such as to lessen the residual stress effectively, to avoid from the deformations, and increase the strength of the materials.
起訖頁 44-54
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201606 (207期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 體液內的氯胺酮及其代謝藥物之檢測裝置
該期刊-下一篇 金屬有機前驅物--三甲基銦對氮化銦磊晶薄膜之光電及化學特性影響




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