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Forensic Applcations of Nanotechnology-A Brief Discussion
作者 陳用佛
奈米科技對現代科技發展已產生重大的影響,正如同DNA技術發展對於近50年生物科技的貢獻。許多奈米科技已經被廣泛應用於各種纖維(發熱衣、抗污衣)、化妝品(防曬乳、膠原蛋白)、書寫工具(長效墨水)以及各式高分子材料等。為了分析這些於刑案現場可見,但常規鑑識工具只能部分鑑定或無法鑑定的新式奈米物證,又或於傳統物證上難以取樣、僅能以破壞性方法分析的物證。分析樣品的奈米層級表面,可以讓我們更瞭解物證的全貌。目前國際上鑑識科學相關領域研究方向主要朝文書鑑定、纖維與毛髮、血跡、潛伏指紋等方向邁進。期待我們能對於證物之細部形貌與結構進行分析,並協助解決目前鑑識工具或方法所無法分析之證物。 Nanotechnology for the development of modern science and technology have a significant impact, just as DNA technology for the past 50 years, the contribution of biotechnology. Many nanotechnology has been widely used in a variety of fi ber(fever clothes, stain clothes) , cosmetics(sunscreen, collagen) , writing instruments(long-lasting ink) as well as a variety of polymer materials. In order to analyze the crime scene in the visible, but only partially identifi ed conventional forensic tools or can not identify the new nano material evidence, or diffi cult sampling on traditional evidence, only destructive to analyze physical evidence, this lab to AFM non-destructive method of research as the main front entry of the sample. AFM principle of operation of nanoscale atomic force measurement between the fi ne probe sample using the instrument of the distance between the probe and thus presumably with the surface of the structure drawn by computer graphics and the sample surface, And enables researchers to explore the surface morphology of various samples of fi ne-nanometer level, and to help establish a variety of repositories. Nano-level surface analysis of the sample, Allows us to better understand the evidence of the whole picture. Currently forensic and academic research related to AFM major international instruments towards identifi cation, fiber and hair, blood and other direction. AFM has a considerable potential for analyzing the morphology and structure of all kinds of detailed evidence, the future could become a powerful tool to aid the work of forensic trace evidence, and therefore previously been Evidence of the potential for all kinds of unconventional fi ling scan, more emphasis is to identify instruments with paper and ink samples and trace evidence analysis for identification of potential research paper on the sample, the closer to the general practice of traditional forensic analysis, and assist in resolving the current forensic tools or methods can not analyze the object.
起訖頁 24-34
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201606 (207期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 槍彈殺傷力鑑定
該期刊-下一篇 體液內的氯胺酮及其代謝藥物之檢測裝置




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