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The Innovative Application of Forensic Science and Technology for Crime Investigation
作者 尤品雅
鑑識科學就是為法庭服務的應用科學,如何善用新興科技,從犯罪現場獲取更多的物證與資訊破案,成為法庭上證據,是科技偵查精進的目標。鑑識科學應研發更新的採證和鑑驗技術,尋求破案契機,運用新興科技協助偵查犯罪,更是未來趨勢。結論提到未來潛在的國安問題,不可小覷;以「強化司法人員的鑑識科學教育」;「強化鑑識科技研發,不受制他人」和「擴大鑑識科學服務範圍」等三大建議,希望拋磚引玉,吸引更多學者專家的投入與研究。 Forensic science is applied science for courtrooms. It’s one of the main objectives that high-tech investigation can be used to retrieve more information and evidences for courtrooms from crime scenes. Forensic scientists should be following trends of technology and developing innovative methods to collect and verify evidences leading to opportunities for solving criminal cases. It is also a predictable trend to take advantage of novel technologies for crime investigation. In conclusions, we mentioned that the potential national security issues should not be neglected. There concluded three suggestions: “Strengthening the judicial officers with education of forensic science”; “Reinforcing research and development of forensic science and technology that could not be under controls by others” and “Extending the service fields of forensic science”. We hope that throw a sprat to catch a whale and attract more scholars and experts to invest their efforts to these suggestions.
起訖頁 7-14
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201606 (207期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 21世紀辦案,需要的不只是放大鏡李昌鈺博士講座
該期刊-下一篇 槍彈殺傷力鑑定




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