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Novel Thread-Based Microfl uidic Systems for Bioanalytical Applications
作者 林哲緯林哲信
隨著人們對於健康議題的日益重視,低成本、可攜式檢測裝置的需求逐日升高,其中毛細管電泳晶片系統除被廣泛研究外,亦已經成功進入市場。傳統毛細管電泳晶片採用玻璃、高分子等材料製作,其製程繁複且昂貴,重複使用下也容易造成樣本間的交互汙染。因此,本研究室提出一低成本之線微流體系統,其可整合液體樣本之電泳分離、電化學偵測甚至電噴灑游離質譜偵測,可應用於生醫樣本如人體全血中尿素氮及血糖之偵測,或可透過質譜進行食品樣本分析。本文所發展之線微流體系統,可提供一創新、低成本、操作簡單且高效能的方法,應用於生醫及食品樣本之快速檢測,具有技術發展潛力與商業價值。 For the past decade, the applications of Bio-MEMS grow exponentially in various fields including medical detection, food detection, agriculture and other industrials. Over the developed bio-chip devices, capillary electrophoresis(CE) chip is one of the most promising schemes since it is capable of separating and detecting the target bio-samples in the microfl uidic system. In general, silicon wafer, glass, polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) , polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA) , Teflon are used as the substrate materials for bioanalytical detections. This study developed a novel thread-based microfl uidic system capable of capillary electrophoresis separation, sample electrochemical detection, and even electrospray ionization. The developed thread-based microfl uidic system is used to detect the blood urea nitrogen(BUN) and glucose(GLU) in human serum. The system can also be integrated with mass-spectrometry detection of natural products such as food ingredients. The thread-based microfluidic system developed in the present study provides a low-cost yet high performance was for analyzing biosamples or food samples.
起訖頁 46-58
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201603 (206期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 原子的直接觀察
該期刊-下一篇 利用氫鹵酸處理使原子級單層二硒化鉬之光致螢光效應提升




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