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以IEEE 11073概廓設計與開發之Continua心血管運動系統
Design and Development of a Continua Cardiovascular Fitness System Using IEEE 11073 Profi les
作者 李元發
隨著國人健康意識的提高,個人化運動健身管理的趨勢,運動器材具有通訊功能已經成為重要的趨勢。舊有的運動健身器材,並未採用標準的通訊傳輸協定,屬於私有的系統設計。該運動健身器材僅能與可搭配之閘道器及後端伺服系統介接。Continua採用ISO/IEEE 11073做為個人化醫療器材通訊標準;其中,運動健身器材的標準概廓也被囊括其中。使得醫療/運動健身器材在應用層具有互通性之標準。再者,藍芽協會制定了Health Device Profile用以作為醫療器材在傳輸層的標準通訊協定。藍芽Health Device Profi le標準能夠完全無縫的與ISO/IEEE 11073醫療/運動健身器材通訊協定標準介接,以達成設備之間的互通性與資訊之分享性。本研究所提之Continua Cardiovascular Fitness系統是基於藍芽Health Device Profile所設計,並且符合Continua Design Guidelines V4.0及ISO/IEEE 11073醫療器材標準規範。Continua Cardiovascular Fitness感測使用者之運動生理量測資訊,並且將此些資訊轉換成符合IEEE 11073為主之資訊格式。透過Continua Cardiovascular Fitness之藍芽無線傳輸介面,將此些標準化之運動生理資訊傳送到服務閘道器及後端伺服系統。實驗結果顯示,使用者能成功地透過Bluetooth介面,傳送運動量測值到任何Continua認證之應用伺服主機。 With the increase of health concept and the threat of sport and fitness management, fitness device with communication ability becomes important functionality. Old sports and fitness facilities designed without standard communication protocol were private communication systems. These fitness devices only connect to the specifi c gateway and server. The ISO/IEEE 11073 specifi cations adopted by the Continua Health Alliance are the international personal healthcare device communication standards. In which, the fitness and activity profiles are included in these standards. By these standards, the fitness devices can intercommunication and exchange measurement data within a single system. In addition, the Bluetooth Health Device Profi le defi ned by Bluetooth SIG is the transport standard for medical devices. The Bluetooth Health Device Profi le is seamlessly connected with the ISO/IEEE 11073 Personal Health Device standards to exchange measurement data. The design for the Continua Cardiovascular Fitness system proposed in this paper is based on the Bluetooth Health Device Profi le(HDP) as well as the Continua Design Guidelines V4.0 and ISO/IEEE 11073 Personal Health Device standards. The Continua Cardiovascular Fitness system senses the physical activities from the users, and then transmits these data to the application hosting device(AHD) and server in compliance with IEEE 11073 data format and protocol standards via the Bluetooth HDP interface. Based on the testing results, users can transmit exercise measurement to any application hosting device certifi ed by the Continua Health Alliance over the Bluetooth HDP interface successfully.
起訖頁 76-88
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201512 (205期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 探索恐龍化石的顯微世界




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