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An Introduction to Robot-Based Bin Picking Technology
作者 張彥中林欣儀
製造業、金屬加工業、食品業產線上有不少上下料工作目前仍然仰賴人工進行,然而隨著缺工情況日益嚴重,機器人進行自動化上下料需求逐漸浮現。但是不少難以自動化進行上下料的情況是工件散亂堆放於容器內,如零組件、金屬粗胚、食品包裝等,這類上下料情況若要以機器人進行取料需要機器人具備智慧視覺判斷容器內工件姿態,再進行夾取取料,這稱之為”隨機容器內取物(Random Bin Picking,RBP)”。本文將說明容器內取料技術發展的產業需求與介紹應用市場,再介紹國際上較具代表性的容器內取料技術與應用,最後指出目前觀察到的技術發展方向。 Many loading and unloading tasks in manufacturing, metalworking, and food processing relied on human labor. However, as the issue of labor shortage grew, demand for robot-based automatic loading and unloading grew as well. Most cases which traditional automation found difficult to handle were objects randomly stacked within a container. To pick an object out from a container in such cases is called “random bin picking(RBP) ”. The need for RBP is common for components, intermediate metal parts, and food packages during manufacturing or processing. Robots must be equipped with intelligent vision to determine the pose of objects and pick objects out. This article introduced the background and potential market of RBP fi rst. Then this article briefl y described several representing RBP applications in the world. Finally, a concluding remark on future development of RBP technology was given.
起訖頁 53-63
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201512 (205期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 智慧型被動式行動輔助機器人
該期刊-下一篇 探索恐龍化石的顯微世界




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