中文摘要 |
In this paper, 3D displacement information of the featured glove is captured by Kinect and the Euler’s angles of the operator’s wrist are postured by LPMS-B 6-axis acceleration sensor(from L-P Research) immediately. After that, the 3D displacement information is integrated with Euler’s angles into the integral 6-axis information for defi ning the real-time end-effector position and posture in the robot arm tele-operation. Furthermore, the featured glove was equipped with an Arduino circuit for controlling the on-off operation(grasping or releasing object) of the gripper on the end-effector. This innovative system can be used to control the 6-axis robot arm to operate a randomlypositioned object without pre-teaching. This technique is particularly suitable for operating randomly-positioned objects by using multi-axis robot arm. The operation is intuitive, without the time-consuming teaching process, save time, and increase effi ciency. The new system can also be used in generating trajectories for some hard-to-teach or high time-consuming object operations. The trajectory produced by the hand posture operation can be subsequently used on repeated object operations. This is a valuable tool for some hard-to-teach assembly tasks. |