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Intelligent Robots in Industry 4.0
作者 林顯易謝名豐
工業4.0是目前世界上自動化製造產業的下一步革新。就全球的製造產業來說,除了面臨勞動人力不足與惡劣作業環境等問題,還需因應週期短、量少、多樣性的產品,造成目前生產製造方式無法滿足需求。然而在工業4.0智慧製造中,智慧機器人的使用,扮演居中關鍵角色,因為智慧機器人將可取代部份人力生產方式,以解決了勞動力不足的問題。與目前多數工業機器人僅用在簡單生產工作使用相較,工業4.0智慧機器人需有更多的感測與決策能力,來解決較複雜與精密的生產工作,甚至透過人類協同來進行彈性生產。因此,在本文中將提到工業機器人未來具有思考、學習、判斷等能力外,如何與工業4.0技術核心如物聯網、雲端、大數據、人機協同整合,以改善與最佳化自動化製造流程,達到提升產品產能、品質、降低不良率等目標。本文將簡介工業4.0智慧機器人需具備的能力,並將分別針對物聯網、大數據、人機協同與智慧機器人的整合進行概述。 Industry 4.0 is currently the world's trend of automation technology. For the global manufacturing industry, they need to cope with the problem of labor shortage, the problem of short product cycle time, and the problem of smallvolume, large-variety production, resulting in the current production methods cannot meet the manufacturing demands. However, in Industry 4.0, intelligent robots play a key role because intelligent robots will be able to demonstrate the versatility to replace some of human labor, in order to ease the above-mentioned problems. Compared to industrial robots currently used for simple production work, intelligent robots are endowed with sensing and decision-making abilities to accomplish more complex production work, or even co-work with humans for flexible production. In this article, we mention that should intelligent robots in Industry 4.0 not only think and learn, but also exploit the synergy among essential core technologies in Industry 4.0 such as cloud, big data, and collaborative human-computer interface to improve and optimize manufacturing processes. This article will overview the above aspects.
起訖頁 12-20
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201512 (205期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 智慧型機器人簡介
該期刊-下一篇 軟性壓電式觸覺感測器應用於機器人捉取控制




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