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Development of Image Processing Based Disdrometer System
作者 陳志彥黃政翰謝奇文鐘太郎
本研究結合影像處理技術發展雨滴譜儀,偵測雨滴降落特性,用來分析降雨型態和有效的天氣預報。由於受到攝影機偵幅限制,無法偵測到足夠的雨滴降落速度,因此特別在實驗中設計短曝光時間和長曝光時間測量,分別拍攝雨滴降落過程,作為計算雨滴粒徑、面積大小、降落位移和方向等用途。本文除介紹實驗系統架構外,不同的曝光時間設定,以及該如何應用不同的影像處理流程進行雨滴特性分析,也將一併介紹。最後,此系統將進行玻璃小球和灑水裝置的模擬實驗,作為驗證影像處理技術在雨滴譜一開發上之有效性,和測試系統之初步成果。 In this study, a disdrometer system which was based on imaging processing technique has been developed for the detection of raindrop to analyze the precipitation and forecast the weather. Due to the limitation of system frame rate, the raindrop velocity is hard to be detected, and therefore, two measurements, the short exposure time and long exposure time, were proposed to record the falling motion and compute the raindrop size, shift displacement, and directions. Furthermore, the details of how to apply the image processing procedures were also shown in the content. Finally, the simulated tests were implemented by using both the glass balls and water-spray apparatus for verifying the effectiveness and the performance of the proposed imaging processing technique based distrometer system.
起訖頁 48-56
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201509 (204期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 高通量單細胞篩選與細胞單株化培養之雙微孔微流晶片
該期刊-下一篇 新興傳染疾病檢測趨勢--即驗即報電性生物感測器




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