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Design of Digital Imaging System for Slit Lamp Microscope
作者 張書瑋
本文利用場鏡及接口透鏡設計一裂隙燈顯微鏡數位成像系統。裂隙燈被顯微鏡物鏡成像之影像經場鏡及接口透鏡傳遞至數位攝影機鏡頭,由此鏡頭成像於數位攝影機的電荷耦合影像感測元件(CCD)上。本文利用ZEMAX光學設計程式做多重組態設計完成具數位攝影機及顯微鏡雙功能的裂隙燈顯微鏡數位成像系統。數位攝影機使用300萬畫素的CCD元件,系統要求狹縫長為18 mm、有效焦距為11.23 mm、MTF空間頻率為在80 lp/mm時軸上大於0.6,且最大視場處大於0.3、系統光學畸變小於5%。設計結果滿足系統規格,使此裂隙燈數位成像系統具有良好的光學品質。因為照明鏡組與雙目顯微鏡組是採用共焦與共光軸,使系統縮小體積且組測時易於調校。 This paper using a field lens and an interface lens designed slit lamp microscope with a TV camera. Image of microscope objective through the field lens and interface lens are transmitted to the TV camera lens, and then imaged by the TV camera lens on the charge-coupled device(CCD) image sensor. Here, we use the function of zemax optics design program to multiple configuration designed, it include a television cameras of digital image and the microscopes bifunctional of slit lamp microscope. TV cameras use 3 million pixels charge-coupled device image sensor, the system required a slit length is 18 mm, the effective focal length is 11.23 mm, the spatial frequency of MTF is 80lp/mm on the axis greater than 0.6, and the maximum field of view is greater than 0.3, the aberrations less than 5%. The designed result must be satisfy system specifications, make this slit lamp digital imaging system having a good optical quality. Because the illumination and binocular microscope are confocal and coaxial, so can reduce the system volume and easy to adjust when the assembly.
起訖頁 70-91
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201412 (201期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 太空光學遙測酬載之主鏡光機系統組裝




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