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Scientifi c Identifi cation of Antiques
作者 黃國師
古物為一個民族無形的歷史、文化、藝術、科學等之載體,具有民族特性、不可再生、數量稀少、價值無限等特性。本文以商代與漢代皇室使用的古物,介紹其歷史、文化、藝術背景,突出目視、手觸與主觀經驗為主之「傳統鑑定」的明察重點,說明化學、材料、鑑識科學與科學態度為主之「科學鑑定」的儀器技術,提出建構傳統鑑定(史藝專家)和科學鑑定(科技專家)的溝通平台,相互補充、相互驗證鑑定結果,有效地鑑定古物的年代、真偽、品質。希望有助於讀者對古物鑑定之瞭解,進而激發國人賞識、愛護與保存古物之素養。 Antiquities are carriers of a nation’s invisible history, culture, art, and science, possessing characteristics of national identify, non-renewable, rare, and infinite value. Herein, we use antiquities from royal family of the Shang Dynasty and the Han Dynasty as examples to describe their history, culture, and art background, highlighting that visual inspection, hand contact, and subjective experience of “traditional identification”. We also describe the instrument technology for “scientific identification” which is mainly based on chemistry, material, and forensic science as well as scientific attitudes. We propose the construction of communication platform between traditional identification(art and history expert) and scientific identification(technology specialist) , complementing each other to verify the identification results for effective dating, authentication, and qualification of antiquities. We hope to help readers' understanding of the antiquities identification and thus provoke citizens to appreciate, love, and conservative antiquities.
起訖頁 47-56
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201412 (201期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 增強螢光訊號偵測之靈敏度
該期刊-下一篇 太空光學遙測酬載之主鏡光機系統組裝




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