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Using Excimer Laser Treatment to Develop Low-Cost, Ultralow Power Consumption, and High Photo- Response Cadmium Sulfi de(CdS) Photoconductors
作者 王怡心
本文將介紹以準分子雷射對硫化鎘(CdS)光導體元件進行表面改質之技術,利用此種快速、高光子能量以及無需真空環境與製程氣體便可直接於大氣下進行之表面改質技術,可以大量的製作出低成本、低耗能、高光電響應之硫化鎘光偵測器。文中將描述透過準分子雷射照射於市售低價之光敏電阻元件上,透過雷射劑量與照射次數之調控,而使得其上之硫化鎘產生差排減少與結晶性變好等特性,並發現此具有良好結晶性之硫化鎘元件在外加極低偏壓的情況下仍對於光源強度極為敏感,因而使得此元件於弱光下仍具有極佳的光電響應能力(Responsivity)與偵測能力(Detectivity),非常適用於低耗能之弱光偵測相關應用上。 In this study we describe a cadmium sulfide(CdS) photoconductor that behaves as a highly sensitive and rapidly responding detector through surface treatment by an excimer laser. Such laser treatment of CdS photoconductors could be conducted in air and completed within a few seconds. The degree of crystallization of CdS films increased and their dislocation defects were removed effectively after treatment with several shots from a KrF excimer laser. At a very low bias voltage, the laser-treated CdS device provided high responsivity and detectivity. Accordingly, KrF laser annealing is a simple and rapid process that can significantly enhance the low-light detection properties of CdS. Our strategy proposed herein appears to hold great potential for ultralow-light image detection with ultralow power consumption.
起訖頁 12-21
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 201412 (201期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 金奈米粒子和單根金奈米線的基板調節區域表面電漿共振
該期刊-下一篇 以原子力顯微術奈米微影製作單一氧化鈦奈米點紫外光感測器




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