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The study on relationship among travel motivation, leisure satisfaction, perceptual value and revisit intention for mainland China ageing tourists
作者 郭彥谷 (Yen-Ku Kuo)李永恒郭彥麟郭宗賢魏筱昀
旅遊是現代人蔚為風潮的休閒活動,台灣對於推動觀光政策不遺餘力,由於台灣具有良好的地理位置與風景資源,吸引許多高齡陸客來台進行旅遊與觀光活動,至台參訪旅遊的經驗是否良好,將是重遊意願之關鍵,如此才能將台灣觀光市場持續發揚光大。本研究聚焦於高齡陸客來台旅遊動機、休閒滿意度、知覺價值對於重遊意願的關聯性,先以文獻理論推論各項研究假設,後續使用問卷調查法蒐集資料,再以驗證性因素分析(Confirmatory factor analysis, CFA)檢驗量表之信效度,最後以潛在結構模型(Latent Variable Models,LVM)驗證假說,本研究結果發現旅遊動機、休閒滿意度、知覺價值確實都可對於重遊意願產生正向顯著影響,提供結論與建議可作為實務管理界之參考。 Tourism is a leisure activity for modern people; Taiwan has spared no effort to promote tourism policy because Taiwan has good geographical and landscape resources, attracting many senior Chinese to Taiwan for tourism and sightseeing. Whether the experience of visiting tourism to Taiwan is good will be the key to renewed willingness, so that the Taiwan tourism market will continue to flourish. This study focuses on the relationship between tourism motivation, leisure satisfaction, and perceived value of the China ageing tourists to Taiwan. First, we use the literature review to infer the research hypotheses, and then use the questionnaire method to collect data, and then examine data with confirmatory factor analysis. The results of this study found that tourism motivation, leisure satisfaction, and perceived value can all have a positive and significant impact on the willingness to revisit. Conclusions and recommendations can be used as a reference for the practical management community.
起訖頁 4-23
關鍵詞 高齡陸客旅遊動機休閒滿意度知覺價值重遊意願China ageing touriststravel motivationleisure satisfactionperceptual valuerevisit intention
刊名 中國地方自治  
期數 201902 (72:2期)
出版單位 中國地方自治學會
該期刊-上一篇 親切愛民的政府不難經營
該期刊-下一篇 台灣旅居養老產業發展之可行性分析初探




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