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The Study on Citrus Limon and its Physiological Functions based on the Concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine–Color Qing Theory
作者 陳怡妗周珮琪許長祿洪振方 (Jeng-Fung Hung)吳永昌林昭庚
《黃帝內經》五色對應於五臟,《靈樞.五色篇》:「以五色命藏,青為肝,赤為心,白為肺,黃為脾,黑為腎。」;並在《靈樞.逆順篇》:「上工治未病,不治已病」及《素問.臟器法時論》:「五穀為養,五果為助」道出中醫強調預防醫學是最好的醫療與水果在飲食中的重要。而醫聖孫思邈《千金藥方.食治》:「夫為醫者……以食治之,食療不愈,然後命藥。」也指出治病應先從飲食治療著手。本研究主要探討台灣最能代表青色及酸的水果:「檸檬」是否與中醫理論青色入肝相符。藉由研究檸檬的歷史及應用紀錄,並與近代的科學研究文獻作分析,探討檸檬對護肝的功效,來論證「青色、酸入肝」的理論。研究中發現一有趣現象,傳統藥典中所述之青色並非只有綠色,還有藍、黑色。透過對《內經》青色的整理,對青色的定義及翻譯提出修正建議。歷史上的檸檬,元代有「宜檬舍里別」為一宮廷風尚飲品,而後檸檬及品種的記載出現斷層,有待日後的進一步研究。近代科學文獻亦證實了檸檬的果皮(含不成熟果)、籽及葉等皆有其藥用價值,有對抗肝炎、肝癌及護肝等的功效,與青色入肝符合。 Huangdineijing pointed out that the five colors correspond with the five viscera. Lingshu Five Colors: ?Five colors named five viscera. Color qing is liver, red is the heart, white is lung, yellow is spleen, and black is kidney?. Lingshu Reverse: ?The supreme healer cures the illness that is still obscure, will not try to cure the illness?. Chinese medicine emphasizes that preventive medicine is the best medical treatment. SuWen Zangqi FaShi Pathology shows the importance of fruit in our daily diet that ?grains are as nutrition, and fruits are as sustenance?. Sun Simiao's Qianjinyaofang also mentioned that before taking any medicines, the food must be used as a dietary treatment first, and if it is not effective, then, medicines could be given afterward. From the concepts of traditional Chinese medicines (TCM), we understand the importance of a daily diet which has been regarded as medicines and so has fruit been. The study discussed the most representative of color qing (green) and sour fruit of Taiwan, lemon if matches the TCM theory of color qing which is associated with the Liver. From the studies of the lemon history and its applications, we discuss whether lemon can heal or protect liver as the TCM theory written. From the study, we discovered the color qing is not only in green color but also in blue and black. We tried to systemize the Huangdineijing qing color, and make a new suggestion to some of its related translations, and re-emphasize the color qing is in color green based on TCM Five Elements theory. We also queried the species of lemon of the history which is without adequate evidence and written records to clarify in this study, even in Yuan Dynasty, there was a kind of lemon juice called ?Yi Mon Ke Shui?. However, the pharmaceutical efficacies of lemon (incl. immature lemon fruit) peel, seeds, and leaf are confirmed as its anti-inflammatory abilities in protecting from liver damages and liver cancer which is matched to the qing theory.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 五色青色檸檬食療TCM Five ColorsColor QingLemonLiverDietary Treatment
刊名 高雄師大學報:自然科學與科技類  
期數 201906 (46期)
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學
該期刊-下一篇 具耐熱性與透光性DPGDA/SR-444/VTES/Bi_2O_3有機/無機奈米複合材料的合成及其性質研究




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