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Management of escort patient time by using mobile dispatching system in porters at hospital
作者 傅健泰
醫院設置傳送人員協助流程間進行病人的護送,醫療物品傳遞等工作,銜接著各作業流程的進行。以往傳送人員的任務交派大多是透過電話方式,因缺乏即時的監督機制,常因人員經驗影響造成傳送任務的延遲。現在行動裝置及網路普及化,在忙碌的醫療院所中,行動裝置愈來愈常被用來輔助醫療流程的進行。除了行動化優點,還能夠簡化工作流程和可即時回饋資料處理,大量減輕作業人員負擔。本文研究建構行動裝置應用在傳送工作的平台系統(Eporter系統),改變醫院傳送人員傳統的工作模式,透過行動化資訊系統的輔助減少傳送人員因需經驗學習所面臨的作業問題,進而提升工作效率,達到有效管理的目的。本研究以某醫學中心傳送人員為對象,研究結果發現:傳送人員在行動派工平台的輔助下,於護送病人到開刀房的時間上,均少於規範時間,且不受經驗年資的影響,表現沒有顯著的差異。另在執行護送病人到檢查單位的作業上,也不受經驗年資的影響,表現沒有顯著的差異。應用Eporter系統行動派工平台輔助醫院傳送人員的工作上證實有其顯著效果,能有效的協助新進或經驗不足的工作人員即時回傳監控任務的執行情形,實可為一有效作業工具。 This paper describes the mobile devices platform (Eporter system) that can help porters at hospital in their patient escort task. To date, in most hospital the patient escort task assignments of the porters are mostly by telephone. A major concern is the delay of their tasks was often caused by personnel unfamiliar experience and the lack of an immediate supervision mechanism. In this study, a new method that improves the problems above is suggested. To show the feasibility of applying mobile technologies, we developed a mobile devices platform (Eporter system) that uses the smart phone to pass task information to porters that can reduce missing messages and monitor the transmission process. The purpose of this study was to determine how the Eporter system can improve the junior porters work performance and help them perform as good as the senior ones. The patient escort time records from Jan to March 2018 of 68 porters were download from Eporter system. A One-way ANOVA model is used calculate the porters records by three seniority groups. Statistical comparisons were made between the patient escort time of these three groups to determine their difference. These results showed that the patient escort time were no significant differences in these three groups. The Eporter system may have an effect on porters' escort tasks, it can monitor their escort processes and help them just in time. The system presented in this paper may be useful in improving the management of porters at hospital, especially to those new or inexperienced staffs.
起訖頁 36-44
關鍵詞 醫院傳送人員行動裝置年資經驗數據管理hospital portermobile devicessenioritybig data
刊名 醫院  
期數 201906 (52:2期)
出版單位 台灣醫院協會
該期刊-上一篇 2016年台灣血小板輸用概況




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