中文摘要 |
本單位為區域醫院急診室,2013年7月至2014年6月的新進護理師留任率為40%,到了2015年6月底留任率更降為0%,且造成的病人安全異常事件發生率遽增,故引發改善之動機。2015年7月6日成立專案小組研擬對策,運用分區制度、推行學習進度表、建立稽核制度及定期舉辦人員會談,提升3個月內新進急診護理師留任率由0%提升至100%、學習進度表紀錄完整率由40%提升到91.2%及臨床教師學習進度表認知正確率由48.5%提升到89.5%,皆能完成專案目的。本專案過程可提供給業務繁雜而人力不足之地區急診單位,利用分區制度及推行學習進度表,進而提升新進急診護理師留任率,且維護病人安全,促進更優質的專業護理照護。(志為護理,2019; 18:3, 80-90)
In an emergency department of a regional hospital, the retention rate of new registered nurses was 40% from July 2013 to June 2014. In July 2015, the retention rate of new registered nurses was 0%, and the incidence of patient safety increased. Thus, researchers attempted to improve the retention rate of new registered nurses and the incidence of patient safety. On July 6th, 2015, an ad hoc group was set up and held a meeting to identify methods for addressing these problems. After using a zoning system, implementing a learning schedule, establishing an auditing system, and conducting regular staff interviews, the retention rate of new registered nurses improved from 0% to 100% and the completion rate of the learning schedule improved from 40% to 91.2%. Moreover, the completion rate of the learning schedule for a clinical nursing preceptor increased from 48.5% to 89.5%. The project objective was achieved after implementing the measures proposed in this project. This project can serve as a reference for emergency departments of regional hospitals with staff shortages and multifarious medical activities to provide better professional nursing care. (Tzu Chi Nursing Journal, 2019; 18:3, 80-90) |