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Marriage Equality in Today’s Constitutional Order
作者 邱子安
婚姻平權是當前同志運動最重要的訴求,特別是在釋字748號後。藉同性接近使用婚姻制度的主張與人權論述扣合在一起,同婚運動不僅主張形式上與異性套用一樣的制度,甚至發動「作伙守護釋字748」的運動,用訴訟撤銷對手陣營的公民投票。在釋憲發展上,婚姻不僅是基本權,而是基於「制度性保障」。這是一種德國法上的學說,與基督宗教中婚家制度特殊社會意義的理念有關,有維護固有承襲傳統制度的意義,並發揮維護基本倫理秩序的功能。因為這個學說所引發的解釋問題,憲法上的婚家制度核心領域並不精確,憲法上的婚家制度可謂是憲政怪獸,同婚運動要在宛如叢林的憲政秩序中達到社會運動的目標,有許多機會與挑戰。本文聚焦婚家制度性保障的憲法學說與台灣釋憲實務的繼受,並且簡單評價在此背景下,同婚運動的機會與挑戰何在。最後指出只要同婚運動堅持婚姻制度維護基本倫理秩序的面向,婚姻平權就能成功。 Following Judicial Yuan Interpretation No. 748, the most important goal of the LGBT movement today is to seek marriage equality. By combining gay people’s access to the institution of marriage with human rights discourse, the movement not only claims that the same form of institution should apply to gay people as to straight people, but also requests the administrative court to revoke the approval of referendums by the Central Election Commission which are opposed to this claim. According to the Interpretation, the norm of marriage is not only a constitutional right (Grundrechte), but also based on an "institutional guarantee (Einrichtungsgarantie)". This theory, found in German law, underlines the special social meaning of the institutions of marriage and the family in Christianity. The aim is to sustain the inherent tradition of these institutions in their function of maintaining basic ethical order. The constitutional guarantee of the institutions of marriage and the family could be called a monster. The movement thus faces opportunities and obstacles in trying to domesticate this monster so that it becomes a weapon in favour of marriage equality. This article focuses on the theory of the institutional guarantee of marriage and the family and shifts in its meaning shown by J. Y. Interpretations in Taiwan. This article also tries to analyze the opportunities for, and threats to, the quest for marriage equality and suggests that, as long as the movement emphasizes basic ethical order, it can be a success.
起訖頁 187-201
關鍵詞 基本權制度性保障婚姻平權立法形成自由constitutional rightinstitutional guaranteemarriage equalitylegislative discretion
刊名 臺灣人權學刊  
期數 201906 (5:1期)
出版單位 東吳大學張佛泉人權研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 婚姻平權及親密公民權的爭戰:一個眾多霸權論述共構的場域
該期刊-下一篇 照顧考,或二十一世紀台灣長照制度啟示錄




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