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The Study of Fake News of Pension Reform
作者 林儀林志成 (Chih-Cheng Lin)
本論文以年金改革議題為案例,採取文本分析法,研究年金改革假新聞在相關臉書頁面的呈現型態,並分析臉書社群平臺的運作機制如何影響年金改革假新聞的傳播。研究發現,臉書上的假新聞常以合成圖的樣態出現,藉此包裝錯誤訊息,並達到揶揄諷刺時事的目的。這些經後製而更為生動的假新聞圖片,很容易就誤導其他使用者。此外,在傳播假新聞的過程中,發布者常採取聳動而吸睛的標題引人注意,因此更可能造成錯誤連結與認知。除了假新聞所呈現的內容本身具有吸引力,臉書的按讚、分享與轉貼等互動功能,也提高了假新聞的能見度。開放自由的社群平臺本身即缺乏傳統資訊守門人,因此當錯誤訊息輾轉流傳到臉書時,該社群平臺就像一間大型回聲室,假新聞便因社群媒體的演算法機制,不斷被複製和放大。 The discussion of fake news has caused wide concern around the world since the 2016 US presidential election. Many studies considered the phenomenon related to the operating mechanism of social media. Based on textual analysis, this paper analyzed fake news appeared on Facebook groups and fan pages related to Pension Reform. The aim of this paper is to observe the types of fake news and investigate the influence of the social media operating mechanism on the spread of fake news. Results show that fake news on Facebook often figure as a composite photo with fake narrations so as to present hoaxes or satires on current events. This kind of fake news is easy to conceal misinformation. On the other hand, sensational titles and unilaterally descriptions are being used to replace complicated issues or policies contents. This type of fake news is prone to misled users and influence their cognition toward the truth. Social media is a user-driven and community-oriented platform, but lack of information gatekeepers. Wrong messages will be easily copied and megaphoned continuously on Facebook because of the algorithm mechanism motivated by sharing, following, and clicking the Like button.
起訖頁 204-219
關鍵詞 年金改革假新聞Fake NewsPension Reform
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201905 (121期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 小學教師十二年國教核心素養之專業成長需求研究




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