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Medical negligence is not pure and not a crime–Evaluation of the case of dialysis dialysis tube joint loosening and lethality
作者 王富仙
本案首先應檢視者,甲之行為係作為或不作為,因攸關法律適用問題。而對於是否成立過失不純正不作為犯,法院除審查有無「應防止」之保證人義務外,尚應對於甲是否「能防止」及其結果是否具「可避免性」等項,詳予調查審認。則甲雖立於保證人地位,是否能預見並防止結果之發生?縱使認定甲未履行作為義務,與結果間是否具有因果關係?又該結果是否具有「可避免性」?亦即研析本案是否符合過失不純正不作為犯之內涵。 The case should first be reviewed by the inspector. The behavior of A is caused or not, because of the application of the law. In addition to reviewing whether or not a negligence is not a pure or inaction, the court should, in addition to examining whether it is ''should prevent'' the guarantor's obligations, should also investigate whether A is ''can prevent'' and whether its results are ''avoidable''. recognize. If A is in the status of a guarantor, can it be foreseen and prevent the outcome from happening?Even if it is determined that A has not fulfilled its obligations, is there a causal relationship with the results?Does the result have ''avoidability''?That is to say, whether the case is in line with the connotation of negligence and impureness.
起訖頁 105-127
關鍵詞 不純正不作為犯醫療義務的浮動性預見可能性法律不強人所難客觀不可避免性Derivative omission offencesFloating of medical obligationsForesee the possibilityCannot expect the actor behaved reasonable behaviors fitting normsObjectively unavoidable
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 201906 (65:3期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-上一篇 新修強制執行法就強制扣薪規定之評釋
該期刊-下一篇 論廢棄物清理法上非法提供土地罪之現行爭議與未來展望




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