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Analysis of the Practice of Using Conflict Medication in the Military's Restorative Justice
作者 李瑞典陳祥美柴漢熙鄭彗伶
在我國,紛爭解決的模組多元,有傳統上透過正式司法裁判程序的民事、刑事、行政訴訟和少年事件處理程序,另外,還有「訴訟外紛爭解決機制」的「調解」、「調處」或「仲裁」。然而,前揭紛爭解決的模組,因聚焦在衝突事件及損害賠償,偏重於客觀事實的評價或周旋式的喊價,往往忽略受到影響或損害的情感關係,這也是人民對於司法信賴感偏低的重要原因之一。近年來,司法機關、學校及軍隊分別引進修復式正義用以解決紛爭,然修復式正義工作模式多元,「衝突調解模式」即是其中之一。本文除概要介紹此模式的核心概念及修復議程外,將以軍隊發生對長官暴行脅迫的實務個案中,分析修復工作者如何運用「衝突調解模式」進行會前訪談及修復會議,進而促使當事人從對話中同理被接納、消除恐懼、修復情感,實踐正義。同時,藉由後續對於當事人的問卷及訪談調查,進行滿意度分析,適度呈現「衝突調解模式」所產生的正面效果。 There are multiples solutions in dispute in Taiwan. As the litigation, the most common procedures are civil, criminal, administrative litigation and juvenile event trial. Beyond the lawsuits, there are medication, arbitration and other methods, generally referred as ''Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR''. Among these solutions, most are focus either on conflict and compensations or on the judgment of objective values and bargain for payment. These always ignore the affections and emotional injury of the parties. This is the reason why the people in Taiwan have low sense of trust in judicial system. However, the judicial department and the Air Force have introduced the Restorative Justice, RJ recently in order to resolve the conflict. There are many practice modes in RJ and the“Conflict Medication”is the one applied in Taiwan.This article would share the core concepts and working procedures of the Conflict Medication in dealing with the case of soldier assaulting the superior. And would analyze how practitioners apply Conflict Medication to facilitate all parties expressing empathy from dialogue, eliminating fear in procedure, release form the injury. Finally, this article would present the positive effeteness of Conflict Medication with the followup study by questionnaire, interview and the statistical analysis of client satisfaction.
起訖頁 29-64
關鍵詞 修復式司法促進者衝突調解模式訴訟外紛爭解決機制Restorative JusticeFacilitatorConflict MedicationAlternative Dispute Resolution
刊名 軍法專刊  
期數 201906 (65:3期)
出版單位 軍法專刊社
該期刊-上一篇 由實務見解探討刑法第三百五條之一妨害秘密罪
該期刊-下一篇 現役軍人共同參與違失行為責任之分析(下)




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