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Ocean Existential Philosophy and its Connotation
作者 林政華
海洋面積廣大無邊,佔全地球的70.1%。世界人口與日俱增,已達數十億,而陸地資源卻日益減少,越來越需要向海洋發展。然而,人類要生存在深淺不一,有時更是氣象惡劣、暗無天日的海上,是一件極其不容易的事;必須要有特殊的智慧與生活方法。可惜自來人們並不很重視海上生存的課題,以致常有海難、船難等等的事件發生。靠著古來海中生物,以及前人對抗惡海的經驗、智慧,始能安穩的往海洋發展。因此,吾人透過億萬年以來的海中生物、海洋島民的生存方法等等的探究,可以觸及本論文的主旨――人類海洋生存的哲學智慧。而臺灣四面環海,國人生命和國脈與海洋亦息息相關。臺灣的海洋民族之一--達悟人的生存智慧,包括食、衣、住、行及其精神、文化內容等,都能接上世界其他海島居民的傳統,開創出臺灣的「海洋精神」。本論文由認識「海洋」的探討開始,進而邁入下列主題:一、「海洋生存哲學」的成立(一)、海洋哲學(二)、海洋生存哲學二、原始深海魚類的生存智慧三、近代海中生物的生存方法四、世界海島居民的生存哲學--以太平洋島嶼為例五、臺灣海洋族群的生存智慧--以蘭嶼達悟人為例 The ocean is vast, which occupied 70.1% of Earth's surface. Human could hardly live in the ocean where the depth differs and sometimes the weather is very severe and extremely dark. Human must have exceptional wisdom and living methods to overcome it. However, human come from the land; actually, do not respect ocean life issues, with the result that sea disasters and shipwrecks frequently occurred. The population in the world is increasing day by day, but the nature resources in the land are on the contrary decreasing. Human needs to live on the ocean more and more. Human should depend on the past experiences and wisdom of ancient creatures and ancestors fighting against terrible ocean, then they can live on the ocean smoothly. This thesis is written based on the care to human, which is stated above. Hope through taking the life of oceanic creatures and the Pacific islanders hundreds of millions years ago as example, the main idea of this thesis, ocean existential philosophy, can be elucidated. In this thesis, the living wisdom of Taiwan oceanic race, Tao people, is also elaborated, including their food, clothes, habitation, transportation, spirit and culture. It can link to the living wisdom and traditions of other oceanic islanders and create the particular “Taiwan ocean spirit” to make the nation everlasting.
起訖頁 59-88
關鍵詞 海洋哲學海洋生存智慧達悟文化臺灣海洋哲學Ocean PhilosophyOcean Existential WisdomTao CultureTaiwan Ocean Philosophy
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201801 (27期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 唐代楷書異體字之類型




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