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Planning on Learner Autonomy and University Liberal Education System
作者 邱秀香
2012年高教評鑑中心開始實施「大學校院通識教育暨第二周期系所評鑑」後,臺灣各大學院校的通識教育主要朝兩個方向發展:一是提升通識教育的教學品質,改變大眾將通識視為營養學分的刻板印象;一是教學資源的統整,打破學習的牆籬,強調生活與教育的結合,讓學習無所不在。本文從自主學習理論切入,以了解此理論為何廣泛為教育界重視,同時以高雄地區的六所大學通識中心所規劃的相關課程或活動辦法,如通識護照、微學分、自主開課等進行整理分析,建構出各校推動自主學習的主要方式、特色規劃以及相關理念與辦法推動過程中,通識教育可能面對的衝擊及挑戰。 The Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan began to implement ''the Program Accreditation System on liberal education and second cycle of college and University'' in 2012, the general education of the universities in Taiwan has been developing in two directions: one is to improve the teaching quality of liberal education and to change the image that liberal knowledge course is regarded as a nutritional credit; one is the integration of teaching resources, breaking the wall fence of learning, and emphasis on the combination of life and education, so that learning is omnipresent. This study starts from the theory of learner autonomy in order to understand why this theory is widely regarded by the education community. At the same time, the relevant courses or activities planned by the six universities in Kaohsiung, such as liberal education passport, micro credits course, self-initiated course, etc. Through the analysis and compilation, it is possible to construct the main types of schools that promote learner autonomy, the characteristic planning as well as the impacts and challenges that general education may face during the promotion of relevant concepts and approaches.
起訖頁 19-37
關鍵詞 自主學習通識教育翻轉教室微學分通識護照learner autonomyliberal educationflipped classroommicro creditsliberal education passport
刊名 實踐博雅學報  
期數 201801 (27期)
出版單位 實踐大學博雅學部
該期刊-上一篇 大學原住民專班的原住民教師圖像之研究
該期刊-下一篇 唐代楷書異體字之類型




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