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Exploring O2O New Business Model of Community Dadaocheng
作者 蔡政安
互聯網科技發展與社會環境變遷兩大因素促使商業模式再創新。互聯網科技發展不僅使產業結構徹底改變,並創造虛實整合商業模式的新趨勢。然而我們處在一個跨組織價值網絡的開放性社會,環境與關係變得複雜化。未來生活將是以社會資本和協同共享商品為中心。在這樣社會環境劇變下,企業若能因應環境變化,能夠不斷創新商業模式是長期成功的重要能力。本研究以價值創造、社會資本、商業模式創新等為研究理論基礎,釐清互聯網科技與社會環境變遷對實虛整合商業模式中元素關係之影響,並藉由大稻埕社區為個案研究,發展社區之實虛整合商業模式,闡明商業模式應用於社區服務創新之可能性,研究同時比較企業與社區之實虛整合商業模式之元素關係差異性。 Two factors of internet technology development and social environment change influence business model innovation. The internet technology development not only makes the industrial structure completely changed but creates new trend of O2O business model. However, we live in an open society with cross-organizational value network, the environment and the relationship become more complicated. The future of life will center on social capital and collaborative sharing of goods and services. The long-term successful capability for enterprises to respond radical environment change is to continuously innovate its business model. Based on the theory of value creation, social capital and business model innovation, this research clarifies the influence of internet technology development and social environment change in the relationship of elements in O2O business model. In addition, through conducting the case study of community Dadaocheng, this research develops O2O business model in community context and analyzes the possibility of business model applied to community service innovation. This research also compares the common and different attributes of O2O business model between enterprises and community.
起訖頁 121-146
關鍵詞 社區服務創新實虛整合商業模式價值創造社會資本Community service innovationO2O business modelvalue creationsocial capital
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201906 (21:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 物聯網環境下企業風險管理與內部控制稽核機制之研究




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