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The Advertising Effects of Ad Formats and Social Elements on Mobile Game Applications
作者 湯夢涵林慧斐林佩錡
行動遊戲應用程式廣告近年來漸受廣告代理商青睞,本研究以沉浸經驗為依據,將行動遊戲分為沉浸程度高及沉浸程度低兩種,來探討行動遊戲應用程式廣告的廣告呈現形式(彈出式廣告vs.橫幅廣告)及廣告社交元素(有社交元素vs.無社交元素)對廣告效果之影響。此研究以2×2×2因子的組間設計進行實驗,統計結果顯示,行動遊戲應用程式廣告之廣告呈現形式與廣告社交元素分別對廣告記憶、點選意願、廣告態度以及下載意圖有顯著之影響。而廣告呈現形式與廣告社交元素以及廣告社交元素與遊戲沉浸經驗在廣告記憶、點選意願以及廣告態度的影響中分別有交互效果影響。 In recent years, mobile game applications are increasingly gaining attention from advertising agencies. Using flow experience as the research framework, the purpose of this study is to compare the persuasion effects of different advertising formats (pop-up versus banner ad) and the presence of social elements on persuasion, across mobile games with high and low game flows. A 2x2x2 between-subject experimental design was conducted. The results indicate that both formats and social elements of mobile game applications have significant influences on advertisement retention, click intention, attitude toward advertisements and download intention. In addition, under the influence of advertisement retention, click intention and attitude toward advertisements, there are interactional effects between ad formats and social elements, as well as between social elements and game flow experience.
起訖頁 29-76
關鍵詞 行動應用程式行動廣告社交元素沉浸經驗廣告效果Mobile applicationmobile advertisementflow experiencesocial elementsadvertising effect
刊名 電子商務學報  
期數 201906 (21:1期)
出版單位 中華企業資源規劃學會
該期刊-上一篇 行動即時通訊服務黏著度:消費價值理論、沈浸與社會影響理論觀點
該期刊-下一篇 物聯網環境下企業風險管理與內部控制稽核機制之研究




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