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Legal Analysis of Real Estate Advertising–case of Japan, South Korea
作者 陳耀峰
不動產廣告對於購屋行為具有一定程度的影響,若廣告內容與實際狀況有所差別時,對消費者的權利必造成損害,現今的不動產廣告其是否有確切的傳遞相關資訊,其傳遞之資訊是否為消費者所欲知悉,其資訊內容是否確切等相關事宜,在現今的實務層面亦有所探究之空間,將不同的法律規則與其他的法律規範加以比較,並對其共通性與相異性加以分析,是頗為古老的法學研究方式,因瞭解法律體系之間的差異,可增進人們對不同法律體系之間的瞭解,我國對於不動產廣告的法律規範約略晚於他國,日、韓兩國的規範層級較高,雖其無事前審查制度,但其規範已有事前審查之實質性,在廣告文本部分,日本最為嚴謹,其有正面表列與負面限制兩部分對其管制。 Real estate advertising will affect the derisions of buyer, the contents of advertisement is not the same as true situation, it will damage the buyers rights. Whether real estate advertising can convey the true information is a problem, we can discuss this issue. Compare different laws, and to study their differences, is a very old way of studying. To understand the difference will know good or bad. Taiwan's law on real estate advertising is relatively late. Japan and South Korea's higher level of regulation. Japan, although there is no prior review system, However, the fact that prior review. In the advertising text section, Japan is the most stringent, have two types of positive list and negative limit.
起訖頁 100-139
關鍵詞 不動產廣告不動產廣告比較法Real estateAdvertisingReal estate of advertisingComparative law
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201812 (11期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-上一篇 中國大陸監察法中的留置措施問題研究
該期刊-下一篇 內線交易除罪化與入罪化整合運用之研究




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